Annies Crazy World

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    This is Annie Whitsed's Crazy World a world where I stitch the joys and chaos of life into beautifull crazy quilts. email
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Take It Further – February Report #1 – First Thoughts February 2nd, 2008

The Take it Further Febuary Concept is What are you old enough to remember? see Sharon’s post for full details…That is a big question to answer on a tiny post card but that is the challenge.

Take It Further Feb visual journal 01My first thoughts were to identify early memories…

My earliest memory of an international event that I am aware of is man walking on the moon (21st July 1969).

My earliest national event that I remember is when Australia changed our currency from pounds shillings and pence to dollars and cents on the 14th of February 1966.

My earliest local home town event that I remember is the opening of the new Catholic Church, about november 1962, dated and remembered because my sister at a few weeks old was the last baby to be baptized in the old church before it was deconsicrated and used as a hall.

When I rang my mum to ask how old my sister was when baptised, we were talking about functions that had been held in the old church hall and I remembered the Art book that I won as first prize in a painting competition held in the old church hall… the subject of that painting was man walking on the moon, my earliest international memory.

The rest of the page is random thoughts of a past way of life much different to what we know today…

I think that I need to go back and read Sharon’s post again before further filtering these ideas.

My Band Sampler 07 – Details 510 to 512 February 1st, 2008

My Band Sampler 07

Top Another seam with groups of 3 herringbone stitches, this one trimmed with beads.

Middle is a basic herringbone stitch threaded with ribbon floss.

Bottom row is Buttonhole stitch worked over the threads of the Herringbone stitch…my natural inclination is to work the buttonhole stitch from left to right, after writing the how to instructions for work from left to right I realized that some people would want to
work the button hole right to left, if that is you click here for instructions.

Take It Further – January Report #6 – January Design January 31st, 2008

I have floundered a bit trying to interperet my January Design onto a completed post card…

Working in photoshop I made a postcard sized image coloured the background, drew the black lines down the left side and wrote the word friends (getting the font the right size was a bit of a bother but now I know how to do it I may go back and do it again with Capital letters).

Draft copy of January DesignI then printed the image onto a printable fabric sheet (this caused me more problems then the font size, I tried for a bleed print but it bled to much, I should have made the image a little larger than I wanted and cut it back to size)…It also printed the background much darker than I had expected.

For the words in the background I went to the art shop to purchase fabric marking pens, which weren’t cheap but I will use them again, which is just as well because I didn’t use them for this project, after doing a few tests I decided that the colouring in pencils gave more of the washed out effect that I wanted…..I did think that the finished product should have less words than my Draft copy But I am not so sure now as I think I like my draft design better than my finished one but for better or worse here is my Take It Further January Design on a Post Card.

January Post Card

Link to other posts regarding this Take it Further Challenge

My Band Sampler 06 – Details 507 to 509 January 30th, 2008

My Band Sampler 06

Top row is stepped Herringbone stitch done with a varigated silk thread

Middle row is groups of 3 herringbone stitches (Varigated pink cotton Pearl #5 ), they are the same groupings as the top row in section 04 but in this seam I have done a larger stitch and spaced the groupings so that you can see how they are formed…I have trimmed it with gold bead flowers with greeen detached chain stitch leaves done with 2 strands silk floss.

Bottom… The same arrangement of groupings of 3 herringbone stitches with 2 rows faced into each other done in thick Novelty knitting yarns.

My Band Sampler 05 – Details 504 to 506 January 29th, 2008

My Band Sampler 05

Top…A wide row of herringbone stitch, 3 strands of stranded cotton thread with a narrower row of herringbone stitched on top using cotton pearl #5 thread.

Middle…herringbone worked with wide and narrow stitches using a pearl#5 thread.

Bottom…is a basic herringbone stitch done with a cotton broder thread and trimmed with green Detached chain stitch, 2 strands of silk and Yellow Berry Stitch using 2 strands cotton.

My Band Sampler 04 – Details 501 to 503 January 28th, 2008

My Band Sampler 04

Top row is groups of 3 herringbone stitches done with 2 strands of Orange cotton stranded thread trimmed with detached chain stitch done with burgundy pearl cotton size 5 and the green is 2 strands of silk thread.

Middle row, worked with 3 strands of cotton stranded thread, is 2 rows of Herringbone Stitch, one on top of the other with the second row worked in the gaps of the first row and with alternate stitches slipped under the thread of the first row.

Bottom row is 2 rows of Herringbone stitch done with 3 strands of stranded cotton embroidery thread and decorated with beads

My Band Sampler 03 – Details 498 to 500 January 27th, 2008

I am having fun with my band sampler, today I went to a friends place for a bar-b-que and it is very portable and easy to stitch on while talking.

My Band Sampler 03

The Top stitch is 2 rows of herringbone, the second row, pink, stitched into the gaps of the first row, to get the woven effect, with each alternate (upstrock stitches) pass the needle under the blue thread…both colours are 4 strands of stranded cotton thread.

The middle row is closed herringbone with increasing and decreasing stitch widths, worked in a fine silk thread.

The bottom row is using herringbone (3 strands cotton) to hold down the ric rac braid trimmed with Pistil stitch and Colonial Knots worked with a thick, soft silk thread, the trim is only on one side because that is all of the thread that I had.

Australia Day, My Band Sampler 02 and Repeating TAST – Details 495 to 497 January 26th, 2008

Happy Australia Day to my fellow Aussie Readers I hope yo had a lovely day…I spent a quite one watching the cricket and Australian open tennis on TV (I don’t know what is happening to me the older I get the more sports I enjoy watching) and while watching the box I got a few stitches done on my sampler.

My Band Sampler 02

First up I did Fancy Hem Stitch, which I found in one of Sharon’s books a few weeks back, its stitched with #5 cotton pearl thread.

I was then at a loss as to just what stitch to do next with so many to choose from…to give me some direction I decided to repeat TAST, last year I did my TAST stitches on crazy quilt blocks which was a good idea because amongst other projects they helped me get Mum’s Memory Quilt finished…This year I will work the stitches and variations on my sampler so that I will have a record of them all in one place…

TAST week 1 stitch was Herringbone Stitch and the next seam on my sample is the basic herringbone which I worked with #5 cotton pearl thread.

On the bottom row the basic stitch, worked with 2 strands of cotton, is a little wider and is trimmed with short straight stitches worked with pearl 8 cotton crochet thread and French knots worked in a linen thread.

My Band Sampler 01 – Details 492 to 494 January 25th, 2008

My Band Sampler 01This is my Band Sampler…The fabric is 25 count Linen…The pulled threads to define the edges are 3.5 inches apart…I am using my leftover scrapes of thread so the colours will be random.

I started it with A header row of Buttonhole stitch (3 strands of stranded cotton thread) which I trimmed with Detached Chain Stitch (green 2 strands of stranded silk, pink 3 strands of stranded cotton)

For my name and the year I used the same cross stitch alphabet as I used on my Stumpwork Sampler, (teracota is 2 strands cotton, green is 2 strands silk and th pink is 2 strands of cotton)… I started my first name in the centre so that it would be centred but had very carfully MISScalculated the centre…oops nothing for it but start the surname and year in a line with it.

For my first seam sample I have done a row of houses, a stitch from Carol Samplers book ‘Treasury of Crazy Quilt Stitches’
…I had to alter the roof because I hadn’t left enough space, so it is a little bit cramped and after so many years of working on crazy quilt blocks with the extra thickness of the foundation and seams to stitch through I am having a little trouble, even using a hoop, with my stitch tension on the single piece of fabric and the countable threads are a little distracting after doing so many freeform stitching but I am sure I will adjust to both and am thrilled to have it started.

Stitch Samplers – Details 490 and 491 January 24th, 2008

Miniature Alphabet SamplerWhen visiting Sharon yesturday she was stitching her sampler together, Have you seen Sharon’s Sampler? it is worth a look, and we were talking Samplers.

I loved samplers from the first one that I saw and wished that I had learnt on a sampler…The first samplers I saw where cross stitch Alphabet Samplers an I made a miniature one of them in 1995 but it was the long band samplers that I really fell in love with…I have started them before but not got anywhere with them and although I have made a few small samplers over the years unlike Sharon who made all of hers the same width mine are all different widths, and I have done thread samplers like the Spanish Knotted Feather Stitch sample below…
Spanish Knotted Feather Stitch - Thread sampler

Another difference between Sharon’s and mine is that most of hers are on linen, I had done mine on calico (muslin), it just doesn’t have the same ambiance as linen does…I made my Stumpwork Sampler on a nicer fabric and it is my favourite of what I have done.

The Samplers that I really, really fell in love with when I learnt about them are the 4 inch wide band samplers that where kept in the sewing boxes of days gone by to record new stitches as they were learnt because they had no books/internet to reference…These darling band samplers were not lined so that the backs of the stitches could be seen (being able to see the back can help when working out how the stitch was done)…Wanting to make one with the back showing means that I don’t want to start with knots, I did know how to start with a couple of tiny back stitches but sometimes those stitches can be seen, today Sharon solved that problem for me, she tought me about waste knots, a term I have never even heard before, which work simple by knotting the thread to hold it in place while you stitch the first few stitches, working them over the thread on the back to hold it in place, then the knot can be cut off leaving a neat start to the seam.

Waste knot how to #1 Waste knot how to #2

By the time I left Sharon’s I had a 4 inch wide lenth of linen with the edges zig zagged and threads pulled on either side to line up the start and finish of the stitches…I have got it started but I am tired and going to bed so it will be tomorrow before I take and edit those photos.