Annies Crazy World

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    This is Annie Whitsed's Crazy World a world where I stitch the joys and chaos of life into beautifull crazy quilts. email
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Quilt Roll For Transport and Storage of Mum’s Quilt August 11th, 2007

Quilt roll for Under the Mango Tree

So that Mum’s Quilt can be transported safely and stored without being folded I have made a Quilt Roller the same as the one I made for All that Jazz, Instructions for the basic Roller are Here and Part 2 describes the Full Roller.

I used Calico (Muslin/homespun) with left over Fabrics from the quilt to individulize it and T Shirt Transfer to put the name and an image of the Mango Tree on it.

Drum Rolls and Fan Fare August 6th, 2007

clean chairFirstly tonight I would like to thank Coral_seas for supplying a drum roll, fan fare and champagne for a toast to my finishing mum’s quilt, I think I announced its finish without flourish because I was tired (only 3 hours sleep the night before), I still had to deliver it and I think that I was somewhat stunned the the frame had come together so well…I am excited to have finished it and would like to thank every one for their comments and all my readers for shareing my journey with mum’s quilt.

and as you can see the chair is clear…I went through it box by box sorting the bits into groups, I have taken it all back to the studio and put away everything but the charms.

sorted into groups

What Next? August 5th, 2007

What does one do next when they finish a major project? well today I slept in, spent a bit of time in the garden and a lot of time curled up in bed with the new Harry Potter book.

When I was speculating what next with Sharon a few weeks ago before I could finish the question she answered it with The Diamond Quilt, A Quilt that we both planned on making after seeing a Diamond Quilt made by Martha Bingley in 1889, at an exhibition of Old Australian quilts a few years ago…Readers of Sharon’s blog will have seen her Diamond Blocks and she has been pestering me to get mine started too…

But before I start that One I think I should finish my Box Top …and to do that I have got to find all the bits for it…to do that I have to get a bit organized…which I think starts with putting away the leftovers from mum’s quilt…Most of the time that I have been making mum’s quilt I have been reasonably good at keeping the things for it relatively tidy but in the last couple of weeks the house has taken on the distinctive look of a looming deadline, that is an untidy look but characterized by the piles of bits that have not been put away…I have been stitching in the loung because the heating is better than in my studio so everything I have carried up there in the last couple of weeks is still there, below is the chair beside where I sit and sew…guess what I am doing tomorrow…and then there is emails etc that I have to catch up with

The look of a looming deadline

Introducing the Newest Princes August 4th, 2007

1994 - 2007 detail on backI didn’t do detailed photos of how I did the frame because besides being pressed for time it is not something that many people would ever want to do…I was delighted with how neatly it went together.

To keep with the frame theme I chose a brown paper coloured fabric for the back and my sister said that it needed to have a framers scribble on the back so we used a lead pencil to write 1994 – 2007 the years that I started and finished the quilt.

I will do a full label with everybodies names and details but in the meantime I have written the details on the fabric with a permenant ink pen.

Name label on Under the Mango Tree

To give the frame shape I made a seperate shape for each corner that I put on top like the moulding on some frames…the heart in the design just seemed to be appropriate for this quilt…And whilst I am in the corner I will introduce you to the newest little princess born about 6 weeks ago.

Frame Corner

To hang it I made the flap of the frame, that folded to the back at the top, into a rod pocket into which I have put a stick to hold the top straight and to the stick I have attached a chain, which came in handy for hanging the quilt out of the wind to take the photos…big image on flicka

Under the Mango Tree - memory quilt

An Hour to Spare August 4th, 2007

5 pm Australian Eastern Standard Time…Mum’s Quilt is finished with an hour to spare….image on flicka

So Far, So Good August 3rd, 2007

Tomorrow is quilt hand in day for the Canberra Quilters Exhibition, deadline for delivery 6pm..Ummm I think that I might be up all night finishing it but so far so good…I have been a bit apprehensive as to wether I would be able to make the frame seperate like I want to, over the last couple of weeks I have made it in my head a dozen different ways and it wasn’t till I cut the fabric this afternoon that I decided just how I should go about doing it and it has gone together better than I had even hoped.

I have marked the width of the frame on the back and the next thing to do is to lay the quilt face down with the edges matching the marked line and then fold the frame to the back and stitch it down…I will then quilt straight lines on the frame to make it look moulded…and then if time allows I will make fancy shaped moulded corners, if I do run out of time I can add the moulded corners after the exhibition.

Frame ready for the quilt?

A few more Charms August 2nd, 2007

Camera Charm Computer Charm

I have found places for the last few charms that I really did want to add…The camera I put down on the book fabric…The computer is near mum’s diploma…The Aeroplane is right up the top of the quilt…the football button is halfway down on the right (where it is holding the green fabric, which was pulling a bit, in place)…and in the seam of the middle block on the bottom row I hid a tiny silver dragon charm, every crazy quilt, at least my crazy quilts need a little fantasy lol.

aeroplane charm football button Miniature Dragon Charm

tied false back in mums quiltThis is the tying on the false/inner back…The real back is on the table ready to be tied with hidden stitches at the block corners.

A thin black line – Detail 369 August 1st, 2007

Today I got half mum’s quilt tied…It has taken longer because I decided that where the blocks join the border really did need embroidery, not much, just a thin black line, Stem Stitch done with a single strand of thread…It really is a thin line but I love what it does to the finish.

Stem Stitch

Mum’s block – Details 367 and 368 July 30th, 2007

About a month after I left home to go to college in Canberra I got a phone call from my mum, someone had told her about mature age students, she hopped on the next bus for the 20 mile trip to Lismore and enrolled at the northern rivers college of Advanced Education where she studied for the next 3 years and was awarded a Graduate Diploma in Educational Studies…I have always been proud of her for going back to school when she still had 4 kids at home and I have included a copy of her Diploma to celebrate that achievement…I was going to put it in a frame on the wall but to do that it needed to be smaller and became completly unreadable so I put it across the bottom corner of her block.

A couple of weeks ago I showed you the back of the curtin that I had made for mum’s block…Well I have got to tell you that sometimes I can be to smart for my own good…It is all very well having a real miniature curtin complete with gathering tape but the fact is that the top was very bulky and really not enough gathers to fall nicely…you guessed it I made another one, this time I cut it with a selvedge edge at the top so that I only had to fold it over once further reduceing the bulk so that I could get lets of nice fine gathers…for the curtin tie backI used a loop of silk ribbon with a french knot to attach it to the wall.

And I put the little green frog on the window sill where he can look up at her.

Mum block

aklkasd July 29th, 2007

Fish charm completes the sceneA short post tonight…between the head cold, doing as much stitching as I can so that I am not panicking at the end of the week to get it finished (I have the first border ready to stitch on tomorrow) and staying up late to watch Le tour de France, which did finsih tonight, I have run out of time and energy for preparing any photos tonight so I just have the one I forgot to include last night.

I left stitching the Frying Pan for The fish cooking scene on until last so that I didn’t risk breaking it while sewing the blocks together…I had to drill a couple more holes in the pan to secure it and stop it flopping…and to complete the scene I ‘caught’ a fish, it is one my son painted for me a few years ago.