last year the Canberra Krazies planned to make a group crazy quilt to enter in the Canberra Quilters Annual Exhibition and it was decided to keep our quilts making a secret and I was banned from blogging my block until after the exhibition opening…we wanted to make a Quilt which would show off the beauty of crazy quilting and with the environment in mind we shared cream fabrics from our stashes and each made a diamond shaped block, 2 blocks where modified to have a rounded edge and one block was extended at one end so that when the blocks were put together they form the shape of a leaf.
As we were making our blocks they became a tribute to our group member and friend Lynne and the quilt will be donated to the Hospice where she spent her last days…We named our quilt Peace in Pieces because crazy quilting is made up of little pieces and we beleive that it is in the little pieces of life that we can find peace.
The Exhibition opened today and we were all delighted to see a blue ribbon beside our quilt, it won first prize in the group quilt exhibition and I can now blog my block which I will do over the next week.
Notes on how we constructed the quilt: The following links are a step by step guide to how I construct crazy quilts…step 1 step 2 step 3 step 4
The edge of our quilt is faced, I had never done a facing on a quilt before, I had worked out how to to the shaping at the top but would have had difficulties tring to mitre the bottom corner but as it happened I didn’t get to that worry because when I came home after spending the day, with friends, basting and tying the quilt, I logged on to find a track back link which was Alison Aller thanking me for the how to construct the layers of a crazy quilt and when I scrolled down through her post there where instructions for facing a quilt including how to easily get beautiful neat corners so thank you Allie.