Annies Crazy World

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    This is Annie Whitsed's Crazy World a world where I stitch the joys and chaos of life into beautifull crazy quilts. email
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My Band Sampler 200 – Detail 1054 – Rockwiz, A Night to Remember March 26th, 2010

Rockwiz - A Night to Remember

Rockwiz is a Rock Music Trivia Quiz produced by SBS TV, you can watch episodes here…Rockwiz is currently doing a National Tour of Live Shows and we had tickets to last Friday’s Show in Canberra…It was a fabulous show…For the quiz they have 2 teams, each team has an invited guest and 2 audience members, the audience members are selected by quizing 24 audience members (who got wild cards) and the 4 answering the most questions are in the show…I have explained the process so that you can understand why it was an extra special night for us as a family, my daughter has a huge musical knowledge and was absolutly thrilled to get a wild card to be one of the 24 and after all the problems that she has overcome in her life we her family where thrilled to see her confidently buzzing in and answering questions correctly, she didn’t make the final 4 but that didn’t matter, just having the experience made it a night to remember for us all.

My Band Sampler 192 – Detail 1022 in progress March 6th, 2010

febuary activities in progress

Febuary was a buzy month when I got a few things done to the house…when I sat down with Sharon to work out which events I would include on my sampler, I started with a written list on a small piece of paper (see image below), when Sharon interpretted pink insulation bats as pink Bats I drew a roof with bats flying around in it and before I knew it we had incorperated all the events on the list into a cartoon style drawing of the cross section of a house…I am still working out how to interpret some of the drawing but am posting the detail in progress so that I can keep the sequence of the sampler in order but still go on posting the TAST II stitch before the next one is out. I will add the finished detail and point back to it when I have it finished.

visual journal for febuary activities

My Band Sampler 187 – Detail 1012 – A Holiday in North Queensland January 31st, 2010

I started the new year by flying to north with my sister for our youngest brothers 40th Birthday, the quote ‘the most bautful baby ever brought home’ is what I wrote in his baby book when I was 13 years old, the miss spelling has become a family joke.

we have 2 brothers living in north queensland, both live on the same road and between them they have 4 kids and as spending time with the our neice and nephews was a very special I chose to illustrate our holiday as a kids drawing.

north Queensland holiday

My Band Sampler 184 – Details 999 to 1008 – A road trip to Nowra January 19th, 2010

Visit to Nowra

I have cross stitched my little blue car for the last weekend of November when I drove to Nowra to visit a friend…we shopped in Kiama, lunched at Berry, talked and stitched and went to the Nowra Quilters meeting and had a lovely time.

While I was there I took a photo of her sampler (see below) and have added some of her stitches to my sampler.

Kerry\'s sampler

As the day I returned was the first day of Summer I have slipped Summer in as one of the rows of cross stitch patterns.

While I was there I kept my fingers buzy stitching the Celtic block below, it was an extra block for a charity quilt that my friend had started and I was able to save her the time of stitching it down…I used one side of the pattern to embroider on my sampler.

Celtic Block

My Band Sampler 182 – Detail 996 – recording mum’s 80th Birthday January 17th, 2010

mums birthday

At The Beginning of October I flew north with my sister and all our kids, our brothers flew south with their families and together with local family and friends we celebrated our Mum’s 80th Birthday.

The ribbons across the bottom and the dragonfly and butterfly are the ones that we used to decorate her cake.

2010 January 1st, 2010

As for a new year resolution, nothing specific this year…My 2010 resolution is to continue to work towards my grand plan of what I would like to do with the house and to relax and enjoy the year.

My short term goal is to catch up the stitching and blogging of my sampler by the 23rd of january, the 2nd anniversary of sampler stitching.

1,000 Blog posts and the end of the year December 31st, 2009

This is my 1,000th blog post which is quite a satisfying number to end a year on…

Looking back on the year I have just read my new years resolution for 2009 from which I quote

…So what to resolve to do, I have had lots of thoughts of grand things that I would love to achieve but I think that a resolution has to be doable, if it has any chance of being kept, so I thought a bit more about the more modest things that I would like to achieve, amongst them is a project that is well started but untouched for more than a year, I do think that it is time it was finished and I hereby resolve to FINISH my Crazy Quilted Box Top before the end of 2009.

well I failed miserably at my resolution to finish my Box Top (I did get off to a good start covering 5 seams by the 15th January but then didn’t touch it for the rest of the year) but I can’t be to dissappointed with not achieving my resolved goal because I have actually achieved doing a few of those grand things that I had thought undoable and I am finishing the year feeling stronger and more content than I started it.

I have now to decide what I would like to achieve in 2010


Castle Update December 28th, 2009

View of my castle from the street

It is a very long time, like almost a year, since I have done a Castle progress update and the photos don’t show much progress but that is probably not surprising when I think that I can only work on it when it is not raining, not to cold, not to hot and I have no other commitments and I mix the mortar by hand in small batches and my hands can only do 2 batches at a time that is about 10 bricks a day, oh well castles take a long time to build and mine is no different…even though there is not a lot of visual progress on the actual castle the garden around it is much neater and looking pretty good despite the doaught conditions.

The front of my castle

Happy Birthday Mum – Celebrating 80 Years October 6th, 2009

I called my Mum’s Memory Quilt ‘Under the Mango Tree’ because the Mango tree has a special place in all our family memories and it was under the Mango tree that we gathered to celebrate Mum’s 80th Birthday.

The family under the Mango Tree

A Highlight of her party was the Harley Trike that my sister in law organized, a 30 minute ride for mum, my sister and me and a 10 min ride around town for everyone else.

Here comes the Harley TrikeHarley Trike Ride

And the cake which we decided to decorate girly pink…the cake decorations are from the scrapbooking department, the butterflies and Dragonflies are brads, normally used to hold layers of paper together they worked really well as cake decorations.

Mum\'s 80th Birthday Cake

Cake of Cards August 8th, 2009

Jack and Ace of Spades CakeMy niece has turned 21 and tonight she had a House of Cards fancy dress party and my sister and I made her a Jack and Ace (total 21) Cake…

We shaped the cake so that the Jack was lower than the ace and we used royal icing to get a smooth white surface and a tube of black writing icing to add the detail…we had a few problems with the royal Icing but it all came together when we added the black details.