Annies Crazy World

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    This is Annie Whitsed's Crazy World a world where I stitch the joys and chaos of life into beautifull crazy quilts. email
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The Mission July 3rd, 2008

My life seems to go from the sublime to the ridiculous, after being sick for so many weeks I am now just about recovered and hoping that I havn’t taken on more than I can handle as I have a buzy week coming up…I have my brother and family (3 young children) visiting and in the mean time My Mission has been accepted.

you can read about the Mission at abc 666 radio afternoons.

My Mission is to learn basic bricklaying and how to mix strong mortar so that I can finish building the Castle in my front garden…When I heard the mission challenge on the radio I thought what a great opportunity that would be to learn the basics of bricklaying so that I could be sure that the upper part of my castle walls would be strong and safe and even though I was still sick at the time I felt compelled to reach for the phone to call in my mission and to have my mission accepted is very exciting.

I am not the only one that is excited my niece, who has helped me building the castle is also very excited and is having the day of school so that she can come into the radio studio with me when our Mission is introduced live on air.

To Listen in via live streaming…Log onto ABC canberra local radio (the live streaming button is 3/4 of the way down the left hand side of the page) at 1.30pm Australian Eastern Standard Time on Friday 4th July 2008…Use this time Date Converter to work out what time that is where you live (Select Australia -Australian Capital Territory – CAnberra from the convert from drop down Menu and your own location from the convert to drop down menu)

There will be a pre recorded progress report at 1.30pm on Wednesday 9th of July.

And a live to air wrap up of my mission at 1.30pm Friday 11th July.

My Band Sampler 83 – Details 676 & 677 June 27th, 2008

Chevon Stitch and in memory of Jane McGrath

The line of stitching is one of my TAST stitches from last year,

The second detail…When I heard on the radio that Jane McGrath had died of breast Cancer age 42 I thought I should record her passing on my sampler and then I wandered how her passing did fit into my life and I decided not to but I woke up the next day thinking about it again, I logged onto the McGrath Foundation Website, where you can read her story, and found my breast awarness Pin and thought about how I could use it in conjunction with the words but my designs weren’t working, it got to hard and I decided against putting it on my sampler…But I again woke up thinking about it, after 2 days of pocrastination I thought to ask my son’s opinion, his immediate answer was Yes and he also suggested using the twist of real pink ribbon instead of the metal pin, using real ribbon meant that I could make it much smaller so that it fitted around the words so that my design worked, for the Mcgrath Foundation logo I printed the logo on a pretreated fabric sheet and used fusible webbing to attach it to the sampler…I guess it was meant to be and maybe its place in my life is that I do have friends that have had breast cancer and this is my opportunity to promote breast cancer awareness, in memory of Jane McGrath.

My Band Sampler 82 – Details 669 to 675 June 24th, 2008

Recovering from the virus seems to have been ever so slow and I have been having good days and bad days but I have now had a few good days in a row and today I feel better than I have since before getting sick over 5 weeks ago.

With this lot of stitches I have started my Take it Further June colours.

Until this point the Chevron stitch variations that I have been doing are the obvious variations, such as doing 2 rows side by side, 2 rows overlapped and different stitch lengths and stich widths, plus a few extra variations that I thought of as I was working on the obvious ones. Sometimes the ideas for variations just flow with each variation suggesting the next one to me but at other times I hit a dead end and the ideas dry up, when that happens I start looking for other sauces of inspiration, to start with a look back at Sharon’s TAST Chevron Stitch samples, There I found a sample of Chevron stitch worked in Squares and set side by side which gave me the first line of stitching on tonights image.

The second line is my son’s new car registration number…I have included this detail partly because his having his own car means that I no longer have to share mine which makes my life easier but mostly because Sam is a part of this samplers story, he loves and appreciates what I am making, he will inherit it one day and I like that he will be able to look at it as part of his history.

The third line is the same squares as in line one but this time I have left more space between the squares and used a different arrangement of beads.

The fourth line…what if I spin the squares and set them side by side…what I am thinking as I stitch this lot of variations is how well the geometric nature of these seams would work on crazy quilted items made for males who like less floral stitches.

Line five is the same chevron stitch layout as line 4 with the beads arranged to extend outside the squares.

The sixth line marks the Winter Solstice.

The seventh line is another one from Sharon’s TAST Chevron Stitch samples, The chevron stitch base is a row of narrow stitches over a row of wide stitches, which is the same as the first line of stitching in my last post but this time I have done both rows in the same colour and added a straight stitch over each bar as per Sharon’s sample.

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My Band Sampler 81 – Details 665 to 668 June 22nd, 2008

Chevron stitch variations

take it further may coloursThe top line is 2 rows of Chevron StitchThe first row is a wide seam and the second row which I have done in a second colour is a narrow seam.

The second row is a single row of Chevron Stitch worked so that the bars along the edges meet each other as per the illustration below.

detail of chevron stitch variation

The third row is Chevron Stitch used to hold a length of ribbon in place.

The bottom row is a single row of basic Chevron stitch trimmed with straight stitches along the edges and colonial knots in the gaps.

The image on the right is my 12 inches of stitching with the Take it Further May colours.

My Band Sampler 80 – Details 656 to 664 June 16th, 2008

I feel as if I have been making a very slow recovery but today I have felt better than I have been and with my head feeling clearer I have been able to concentrate which has resulted in a productive day of stitching.

The first line of stitching is Cretan Stitch worked with silk ribbon which I have then overstitched with French Knots and Bullion knots done with a single strand of cotton floss.

The first line of stitching is also the last seam of the Cretan stitch variations…As a guide as to what stitch I do next I am using Sharon’s Take a Stitch Tuesday Stitch list, the next stitch is Chevron Stitch from week 5...This time I decided to introduce the stitch by embroidering its name.

Line 3 is the Basic Chevron Stitch worked with 3 strands of pink cotton embroidery floss.

Line 4 is 2 rows of the basic Chevron Stitch worked side by side with a cotton buttonhole twist thread and I added beads in the spaces formed when the second row of stitching is added.

Line 5 is again 2 rows of the basic Chevron Stitch but this time the 2 rows are staggered, thread is 2 strands of cotton floss.

Line 6 is another 2 rows of the basic Chevron Stitch, this time the rows are half overlapped forming a nice zig zag pattern, thread is 2 strands of cotton floss.

putting beads onto chevron stitchLine 7 is yet again 2 rows of the basic Chevron Stitch with the rows fully overlapped and staggered so that the edge bars of the second row fill the spaces left between the edge bars of the first row, thread is 3 strands of cotton floss.

Line 8 as per line 7 but using a second colour thread for the second row, both colours of thread are 3 strands of cotton floss.

Line 9 the bottom line is also as per line 7 but with shorter edge bars so that the edge is not a solid line and with beads threaded onto the centre part of the stitch…To add the beads I put a bead on each centre stitch of the first row and then when working the second row I passed the needle back through the beads of the first row.

Chevron stitch variations

My Band Sampler 79 – Details 650 to 655 June 15th, 2008

I havn’t found the camera or got to the computer in the last week But I have been getting some stitching done and today I got it photographed.

SAmples of cretan stitch variations
The first line is another Beaded Cretan Stitch.

The second line is Cretan stitched with randam stitch length, width and spaceing…This variation works well in landscape surface embroidery and when crazy quilting it is useful when I want a background blending stitch.

The Second line is also the start of my Take it Further Challenge May colours.

The next lot of stitches are from my teaching notes and to my eye they look better going up and down so so that is the way that I have stitched them…notice how small changes in the angle of the needle and the spacing can make a difference to the look of the stitch…

I have trimmed the first up/down line with colonial knots.

The second up/down line is trimmed with detached chain stitch.

On the third up/down line I added beads to the threa as I was working the stitch.

And the last up/down line is upside down, I love how turning it upside down changes the look of the stitch again.

Cretan Stitch variations

My Band Sampler 78 – Detail 649 June 6th, 2008

Slowly my Strength is returning, today I got outside in the sunshine and did a bit of light sweeping and raking and last night I got a another seam stitched on my band sampler, before I got sick I was working with putting beads onto Cretan Stitch, for this variation I have used seed beads combined with a medium sized crystal bead.

Beads on Cretan Stitch

Back in cyberland and My Band sampler 77 – Details 647 & 648 June 1st, 2008

Hi everyone, Thank you to all that have sent me get well comments, they are much appreciated and I will try and get personal replies sent as I have the energy to do so….whatever the bug that hit me it hit me hard and now more than 2 weeks later I am still recovering but at least in the last few days my head has started to clear a little.

Details of brass bedheadA few nights back my son suggested that I should put something on my sampler to record how sick I have been, I thought about it and decided as I have spent so much time in bed I would embroider my Bedhead which is a reproduction (1980) Brass Bedhead modified to fit a waterbed base…I have always loved this bedhead that has posts enameled in burgundy and pretty pink china pots and embroidering its likeness on my sampler gives me something nice from an otherwise awful couple of weeks.

I used stem stitch for the posts, Satin stitch and colonial knots for the trimmings and beads for the china pots, my son painted tiny roses on the beads.

embroidered brass bedhead and winter

Today also marks the change of season as we click over into winter down under.

Lost Days and blogging anniversary May 19th, 2008

The last few days are a bit of a blur, with out warning a virus struck me down, made me ache all over and sapped my energy, sicker than I have been for many a year, today I am still feeling weak but am much improved on the last couple of days and hoping to better tomorrow.

When I sat down to write the above I saw that it was the 19th May which is my blogging anniverary, my 4th as My first post was 19 may 2004.

And Now I Have Too… May 13th, 2008

A couple of weeks ago I posted about dying the lining for a lace cape, when I had it rinsed and dry it had washed back to a pink colour which was far lighter than what I wanted, last week I got to the shops to get a different dye and have now redyed the lining…

Now I like the colour, only problem is that I put a piece of the lace in the dye bath just to see what colour it would go and it took the colour so well and looks so lovely against the lining that I am now going to have to dye the lace too.

The dyed lining and lace for my cape

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