Annies Crazy World

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My Band Sampler 79 – Details 650 to 655 June 15th, 2008

I havn’t found the camera or got to the computer in the last week But I have been getting some stitching done and today I got it photographed.

SAmples of cretan stitch variations
The first line is another Beaded Cretan Stitch.

The second line is Cretan stitched with randam stitch length, width and spaceing…This variation works well in landscape surface embroidery and when crazy quilting it is useful when I want a background blending stitch.

The Second line is also the start of my Take it Further Challenge May colours.

The next lot of stitches are from my teaching notes and to my eye they look better going up and down so so that is the way that I have stitched them…notice how small changes in the angle of the needle and the spacing can make a difference to the look of the stitch…

I have trimmed the first up/down line with colonial knots.

The second up/down line is trimmed with detached chain stitch.

On the third up/down line I added beads to the threa as I was working the stitch.

And the last up/down line is upside down, I love how turning it upside down changes the look of the stitch again.

Cretan Stitch variations

One Response to “My Band Sampler 79 – Details 650 to 655”

  1. JoWynn Says:

    Very interesting experiments, Annie. Just want you to know I’m still following along as you develop your band sampler, and getting lots of ideas from you.

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