Annies Crazy World

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    This is Annie Whitsed's Crazy World a world where I stitch the joys and chaos of life into beautifull crazy quilts. email
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Not Double knot Stitch – Details 346 to 348… July 21st, 2007

join 27

With this join I have the bottom half of mum’s quilt together…I did only get the lower half of the join embroidered today .

? and Double knot Stitch

The stitch on the left which I illustrated the other night is NOT Double knot stitch…When looking through the Anchor embroidery book tonight I realized that I had miss read the instructions and have been doing something different. maybe I can call it Single Knot Stitch?…The stitch on the right IS Double Knot Stitch.

Double knot and spanish knotted feather stitches

between the 2 blocks on the bottom row I did a section of Spanish Knotted Feather Stitch between 2 short sections of Double knot Stitch which I will illustrate correctly in the near future.

TAST Week 29 and Week 27 – Details 341 to 345 July 20th, 2007

In the first section of the the join from yesturday I did Portuguese Stem Stitch and then continued the French knots on the block above so that they trailed over the seam.

Portuguese Stem Stitch

The second section is Double knot Stitch, I do really enjoy doing this stitch and I like the repition of one element when everything else is different.

Double Knot Stitch

The third section asked me for a wider seam, I think because the lace motif got cramped against the seam and needed more pink background at the top, whatever the reason it gave me a seam to do Arrowhead Stitch which is this weeks TAST stitch.

Arrowhead Stitch

On the fourth section I have done Coral Stitch which you can’t really see in the photo because it can’t really be seen on the block. Coral Stitch

Painted Bullion Stitch BranchTAST Week 27 was Bullion Stitch, I don’t much like doing Bullion knots but I did like the way Elizabeth used Bullion knots for the trunk of a tree…Ah thinks me that is how I can do a branch to hang the swing from…I left the last section of the previous join for the Swing.

Great Texture but my choice of threads didn’t work I used several shades of threads to get the colouring that I wanted but didn’t count how they would work in the Bullion knots and I ended up with a rather more specled branch than I wanted.

Bullion Stitch Branch

A little bit of grey paint was the easy solution…The swing is a couple of threads and a tiny bit of wood, I have left it hanging loose from the tree and hope that it doesn’t catch on things because I don’t want to stitch it down.

Only Women Bleed July 19th, 2007

At Home with needlework Magazine coverToday the postman delivered to me a complimentry copy of issue 5 of a new magazine, At Home with Needlework, It features a crazy quilted pillow by Pam Kellogg, the last line of which refers readers to my website piecing lessons for more information.

I did get the next seam stitched but didn’t get any embroidery done because tonight I had a date with my daughter to go to an Alice Cooper Concert…My daughter and I are very different and we don’t have a lot of interests in common so it is nice when things come along that we can do together and both enjoy…Jessie’s image is the bottom left corner block.

Join 26

Remembering Mothers – Details 339 and 340 – Double knot Stitch how to July 18th, 2007

join 25

Remembering MothersRemembering Mothers…This is the cover of a book Published by the Northern Rivers Family History Writers’ Group, It is an anthology of Short Stories, Letters and Poetry to which my Mum contributed a 16 page story of her Mothers life.

Down the new join I finished the tail of the bow to cover the upper portion of the seam and did Double knot stitch on the lower section…

Flip Flopped Double knot Stitch

I enjoy doing Double Knot Stitch and as I seem to be repeating it on the join seams I thought that I should make a sample to illustrate how to work it.

Double knot stitch Step 1

Double knot stitch Step 2

Double knot stitch Step 3

Double knot stitch Step 4

Under the Mango Tree – Detail 338 July 17th, 2007

This morning I had the curtin nearly done on mum’s block when I had a slight mishap and decided to remove it and try again, I will tell you that saga tomorrow because I decided that what I wanted to do on the join would be easier to do before the curtin was on the block…

Original photo of the Mango TreeSo I have joined mum’s block to Dad’s block and appliqued an image of the Mango Tree over the seam so that they both fall under its canopy…The Mango Tree is in the Middle of the Backyard, A Grand Old Tree that is dear to us all and I am relieved that it has turned out as well as I’d hoped because I want to name mum’s quilt “Under The Mango Tree”…

The Photo on the right was the best one I could find that had good detail of the trunk, I copied a section of leaves from another photo to extend the canopy on the left side…I also liked that this image had the kids playing in the tree…and at this point I would like to Thank and give credit to my neice who took this photo as well as the grindstone and the chook when I gave her free use of my digital camera a couple of christmasses ago.

To applique the images done with T shirt Tranfer paper I print the image on the Transfer Paper and cut it out at the edge of the image before ironing it onto the fabric, this gives me a soft edge to stitch into, I do needle turn applique because I don’t want pin holes in the image, the T shirt transfers have a plastic surface and are a little stiff but if I take my time its not much of a problem and worth it for the effect…

Detail of pen line around T shirt transferWhat I have found a problem is that to get the best colour I transfer the images onto white fabric but white fabric is the hardest to applique because even the smallest speck of white showing draws the eye so I have to be carefull to turn under every bit of white…But I solved that problem today, after ironing the transfer onto the white fabric and before I peeled of the paper I used a black pen to draw around the trunk and a green fabric pen to draw around the leaves and because a little bit of black showing looks like a shadow and dissappears into the background it made the applique much easier.

join 24 The Mango Tree

The Old Grindstone – Details 335 to 337 July 16th, 2007

The Units are getting bigger, with this join I have a unit of 9 blocks.

Coral Stitch

Across the join I have done Coral Stitch with silk ribbon.

double knotted stitch

Double knot stitch flipped from side to side.

double knotted stitch

GrindstoneAnd on the last intersection I extended the double knot stitch uo and across in the same thread.

Down the Bottom I have added an image of the Grindstone, one of those things that has always been in the backyard…It was used to sharpen cane knives etc but I can also remember turning the handle just to see how fast I could make the wheel spin…

Join 23 - a Unit of 9 blocks

– Details 332 to 334 July 15th, 2007

Fly stitch

This seam on mum’s block is a combination of straight stitch and Fly Stitch with beads.

I have joined the penaltimate block to the next blocks

Join 22

On this new join I have done Double Knot Stitch

knotted stitch

and this one was supposed to be Cable Chain Stitch but the thread didn’t pull all the way through when I did the first Stitch, because the thread was sitting nicely, instead of pulling the stitch tighter till it made the flip, I left the rest of the stitches loose.

cable chain stitch?

Penultimate block finished – Details 329 to 331 July 14th, 2007

chook ideas in visual journal up and down buttonhole in visual journal I have done so many stitches on mum’s quilt that it is getting difficult to think of stitches that I haven’t done so need to look for ideas…I starte by flipping through my visual journal and found this little diagram from the TAST Week 11 which was Up and down buttonhole stitch I liked the second sketch and made a seam from it.

I then pulled out Butterflies which was my second quilt…I was looking for something with a natural feel so that it would blend with the chooks at the bottom, I found the seam done with the purple thread which worked well…As for the chooks, I started with grand ideas of a whole chook pen seam, modified my ideas after I tried drawing it, I was then going to have the chook with scraps of food to peck through and I painted a fish skeleton charm to be part of the scraps but when it came to the crunch the space was to small to fit enough other scraps to disguise…so I modified my ideas again and left it at the chook and a couple of chicken charms…and

painted fish skeleton charm

Up and down buttonhole seam Fly Stitch Fly stitch

The penultimate block is finished

Block 29 the penultimate block

Ribbon Bow – Detail 328 July 13th, 2007

Satin Ribbon Bow

curtin and bow in visual journalAs you can see in my visual journal I have had the curtin and bow planned for this block for a quite a while, I just didn’t know where I wanted the bow…when I did decide on the top seam, In my head I had the bow on the right hand end, just as well I checked before stitching it on because it would have clashed with the mango tree I have planned for the top right corner of the block…I have will stitch the left hand tail after I have joined the block to the next one when I will twist the tail up around the corner.

Click here for instructions for making ribbon bow.

A Beaded Seam – detail 327 July 12th, 2007

Beaded edge

Sometimes I have absolutly no idea where ideas come from, for this seam I looked at the fabric and saw a beaded edge on it.

I have left part of the seam unfinished to show that the first row of beads is stitched at 1/4″ intervals with the whole facing down from the seam…I stitched the first row of beads in place because I wanted the beads to sit flat on the fabric and not stitck up.

To work the rest of the pattern I went down through an anchored bead, picked up a brown, a black and another brown bead…Put the needle back up through only the black bead, picked up a brown bead and up through the next anchored bead in the row and take a backstitch on the back before taking the needle to the front again and down through the same anchor bead. you may need to jiggle the thread through the beads to tighten up the loop

beaded edge step 1 beaded edge step 2