Annies Crazy World

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    This is Annie Whitsed's Crazy World a world where I stitch the joys and chaos of life into beautifull crazy quilts. email
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My Band sampler 61 – Details 628 and 629 April 22nd, 2008

Cretan Stitch

The top seam is another seam from Sharon’s sampler that varies the length of the Cretan Stitch arms…thread is 3 strands of cotton floss.

When I finished the top seam I thought that it would work well to make a scolloped edge too….Thread is 3 strands of a varigated cotton floss.

Take It Further Challenge – April Colours April 21st, 2008

Take it Further April Colours

Every month re the Take it further challenge Sharon saysRemember that the palette you can only ever be a suggestion as computer screens display colours differently. The aim is to be as close as possible to the colours on your screen.…This is for good reason and I had first hand experience of just how great those differences can be, last week after choosing my threads for the April colours I visited Sharon and she showed me the colours on her screen, what I had seen as dark brown was burgundy, the light orange was a beige, the black was a dark green and the dark orange was a rust colour…I changed my thread choice to be the colours on Sharon’s Computer because I thought that they where a nicer set of colours and I have only used the 4 darker colours only for the embroidery because the lightest colour was very close to the background colour of my Sampler…and on the left is the 12 inches of stitching that I have done with the Take it Further April colours.

My Band Samper 60 – Australia 2020 – Detail 627 April 20th, 2008

Australia 2020 is for the Australian Governments Australia 2020 Summit, held in Canberra this weekend…I had been debating with myself as to wether I would record this event on my sampler or not, when A friend asked me if I was going to, her question said to me that if she was asking the question then it is the sort of event that she thought was worth recording.

Australia 2020 summit

An Addition to one of my Cretan Stitch Seams April 19th, 2008

Detail 620 kept jumping out and telling me that those big spaces should have something in the centres, so I have added beaded flowers to the detail.

addition to detail 620

My Band Sampler 59 – – Detail 626 April 18th, 2008

Cretan Stitch

This stitch is another one of the variations on Sharon’s sampler, varying the length of the arms…On this variation the lengths of the Cretan stitch arms are only varied on one side which I trimmed with beads.

My Band Sampler 58 – Work a seam until you like it – Detail 625 April 17th, 2008

Cretan Stitch

This stitch started as one of the variations on Sharon’s sampler varying the length of the arms…

I didn’t allow enough difference in the length of the long and short arms and with the stitchs widely spaced the pattern formed by the long and short arms couldn’t be discerned…

I have always said that if you don’t like a seam then work it until you do, so with that in mind I did a second row over the top of the first one which reduced the space between the stitches which made it look a little better but the pattern was still ill defined.

To pick the pattern out more I used green thread to do french knots on the long arms and burgundy for the short arms with additional knots in the centres…To further define the difference in the lengths of the arms I did the green knots at the end of the arm making it a little longer while keeping the short arms the same length by covering the end of the stitch with the knot….and I like the final effect.

Hubble Bubble April 16th, 2008

Cutting out lace for capeAt last months crazy quilt meeting I was given a bundle of lace that a friend thought that I might be able to use to make some clothing, when I measured it there was 15 metres of it and I decided that it would make a good cape.

The lace is only 80cm wide so I had add a couple of seams to the pattern that I borrowed from Sharon, to fit it on the fabric, it was easy to do and I have the lace cut out.

The lace is a beige colour and I want to put it over a burgundy lining but the light weight cotton fabric that I want to use for the lining only comes in white so I have had the dye pot out to get the colour that I want.

Dying lining for cape

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My Band Sampler 57 – Details 623 and 624 April 15th, 2008

Cretan Stitch

The Top seam is Cretan Stitch with long arms and narrow space between the arms and trimmed with beads as I did on my teaching sample…thread is 2 strands of cotton floss.

While I was stitching the top seam I thought that if I can do very long arms then I can do very short arms on the stitch…The Bottom row is the same width and same spacing between the arms as the top seam but has very short arms on the stitch creating very deep Vs, making for a visually very different look to the first seam…O have also arranged the beads in a different pattern just for variety…Thread is size 5 cotton pearl.

Bricklaying 101 April 14th, 2008

spreading mortorlay the brick

School Holidays and my neice came over to help lay the bricks for our castle…first you spread the mortor and then put the brick on…we are not very good brickies but we are having fun.

the first row of bricks

My Band Sampler 56 – Details 620 to 622 April 13th, 2008

Cretan Stitch

Top…2 rows of Cretan Stitch placed side by side with arms touching..Thread size 5 cotton pearl.

The middle and bottom details are both 2 rows of cretan the second row stitched into the spaces and on top of the first row…the middle row is 2 colours …the bottom detail has both rows done in the same colour and with wider spaces between stitches so that the overlap shape forms diamonds which I have trimmed with beads.