Annies Crazy World

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    This is Annie Whitsed's Crazy World a world where I stitch the joys and chaos of life into beautifull crazy quilts. email
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My Band sampler 70 – Detail 638 May 2nd, 2008

Cretan Stitch laced with silk ribbon

This is the weave that I was trying to do yesturday, with a narrower seam and with the arms of the stitches closer together it has oven up beautifully today.

My Band sampler 69 – – Detail 637 May 1st, 2008

I did the base Cretan Stitch for this seam to do a copy of Detail 378 but I did the Cretan stitches to wide and spaced to far apart so that weave looked funny so I wove the silk ribbon through the middle parts of the stitch as well, I like the slightly irregular shapes of the ribbon.

Silk ribbon woven through Cretan Stitch

My Band sampler 68 – Detail 636 April 30th, 2008

The original of this seam is on my Bridesmaids dress, it is embroidered in red on red fabric and I nearly missed it but am glad that I did pick it up because I like the secondary pattern created by this overlapping of the 2 rows of cretan stitch.

Cretan Stitch 2 rows

My Band sampler 67 – Detail 635 April 29th, 2008

Thus far for Cretan Stitch seams on my sampler I have recorded samples from my teaching notes, some from Sharon’s TAST sampler, the stitches that I did for TAST and a couple that I have thought of along the way…

Today my next port of call to find Cretan Stitch variations was to type Cretan into my blog search engine (top left corner of this page) and scrolled through the results to find a few more…the first of these is Detail 142, I like the way the beads work on this variation….I have stitched the cretan with 3 strands of cotton floss, the fly stitch trim is 2 strands of cotton floss,

Cretan Stitch trimmed with fly stitch and beads

My Band sampler 66 – Detail 634 April 28th, 2008

Cretan Stitch

Cretan Stitch how to double up rowsThis seam is a copy of Detail 118, which was one of my Cretan stitch Variations, I also did it on one of the blocks on mum’s memory quilt (Detail176).

The seam is 2 rows of Cretan stitch partially overlapped, when working the second row I passed the thread under the first row before doing each of the down facing stitches, doing this makes the rows interlock nicely.

thread is 3 strands of cotton floss.

My Band sampler 65 – Detail 633 April 27th, 2008

Cretan Stitch

This Cretan Stitch seam trimmed with Fly Stitch is a copy of Detail 120 which was one of my take a stitch tuesday Cretan Stitch seams. stitched with 3 strands of cotton floss.

Castle Update April 26th, 2008

castle wall now has 3 rows of bricks

We have had some lovely weather this week and with Lily still on school holidays we have taken the opportunity to get more bricks layed…we are slow and would not get jobs as brick layers but we think that we are good castle builders as with 3 rows of bricks layed our castle is taking shape nicely.

My Band sampler 64 – Anzac Day – Detail 632 April 25th, 2008


Anzac Day

My Band sampler 63 – Detail 631 April 24th, 2008

The Olympic Torch Relay was run in Canberra this morning, I thought about going to watch it but it is was early in the morning and the weathers getting cold and I decided instead to watch it on TV while I stitched the torch and my peaceful protest onto my sampler…I have to thank Sharon for the idea for the design.

The bottom of the torch is rows of stem stitch done with a fine silk thread…for the top of the torch I did rows of stem stitch done with a silver metalic thread and then I used the red silk thread to weave rough circle shapes over the metalis thread and outlined it with backstitch…the flame is stem stitch and straight stitches.

I made the protest sign an applique so that I could paint the words with a brush as they would be on a real protest sign…the stick for the sign is a piece of satin ribbon.

Free Tibet and Olympic Torch

My Band sampler 62 – Detail 630 April 23rd, 2008

Cretan Stitch

When I was doing the seams where the length of the Cretan Staitch arms are varied I thought what if I vary the spacing between the arms of Cretan Stitch…I stitched the seam with 3 strands of cotton floss and in the wider spaces I added little flowers made up of 2 detached chain stitches and a Bullion knot.