Annies Crazy World

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    This is Annie Whitsed's Crazy World a world where I stitch the joys and chaos of life into beautifull crazy quilts. email
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My Band Sampler 55 – Detail 619 April 12th, 2008

2 rows off Cretan Stitch

2 Rows of Cretan stitch, off set so that the rows overlap without touching each other…top colour is 3 strands and the bottom colour is 2 strands of cotton floss.

My Band Sampler 54 – – Details 616 to 618 April 11th, 2008

Cretan stitch

Top row…Cretan Stitch (2 strands cotton floss) arranged to make a long narrow seam and trimmed with detached chain stitch (2 strands cotton floss) and beads.

Middle row…Cretan stitch (cotton pearl thread) trimmed with straight stitches (4 strands of cotton floss).

Bottom row…Cretan Stitch (Rayon Thread) timmed with straight stitch stars (2 strands cotton floss) spaced along the seam in groups of 3.

My Band Sampler 53 – Moving on to thhe next stitch – Details 601 to 615 April 10th, 2008

cretan stitch done for teaching samples

The next stitch is the TAST week 4 , Cretan Stitch.

Cretan Stitch is a versatile all time favourite stitch, to start with I am doing the variations that I did years ago as teaching samples, of which I have done the first 3 today.

The top row of on my sampler is the basic Cretan stitch done with 3 strands of cotton floss.

Second row is Cretan stitch done with cotton pearl thread and trimmed with Colonial knots done with a rayon thread.

Third row is Cretan stitch done with rayon thread and trimmed with 2 detached chain stitches (2 strands cotton) on each arm of the stitch.

Bottom row is Cretan stitch done with 2 strands cotton and trimmed with a single detached chain stitch (3 strands cotton) on each arm of the stitch

Cretan Stitch

My Band Sampler 52 – Recapping and Moving On – Detail 600 April 9th, 2008

I love detached chain stitch but it is a stop start stitch and I was finding it hard to get a flow of stitching which slowed down my productivity and combined with the added distraction of having my son home and the additional time that we have been spending in the garden the progress on my band sampler slowed and came to a halt over the last couple of weeks.

When I visited Sharon this afternoon she asked me if I knew that April 2008 was 50 years since the Ban the Bomb Peace Sign was designed,

5o years of the Ban the bomb peace signOn her mind tracks blog Sharon has links to a photo essay and an article on the history of the peace sign…I didn’t know but the peace sign was a part of my youth and worth stitching it into my sampler their and then.

recapping recent section of samplerI have also photographed the last section of my sampler to show you how the last few additions fit together.

More Concrete purchased and our Castle Floor is layed April 8th, 2008

We still have to clean the cement of the top of some of the stones and polish them up a bit but even as they are our castle floor is looking good.

Our castle floor finished

Piecing the slate pavers together April 7th, 2008

Our castle floor
14 bags of cement later and our castle floor is coming along nicely but we need to buy more concrete mix to finish it.

Nearly ready to lay the castle floor. April 6th, 2008

slate pavers ready for castle floor

The next step for paving the floor of my castle turret was to find the pieces of slate that I am using for the floor of the castle…We have layed the pieces of slate into a circle next to where they will be layed, so that we could make sure that we had enough pavers and to get a rough idea of where to lay them…

Take it Further – April Colours April 5th, 2008

A Beautiful sunny autumn Day….Perfect for a drive in the country with a friend, going to visit with other crazy quilting friends, A lovely lunch, even a visit to the local art gallery to see a quilt exhibition…It was a lovely day.

I have done no stitching but have chosen my threads for the Take It Further April Colours…This month I have decided to go minimalist with the thread colours and have chosen just one thread of each colour.

take it further April Colours

The postman delivered a blast from the past April 4th, 2008

1969 was my first year at high school, the year that I learnt to use a sewing machine, the year I learnt to sew and one of my first non school sewing projects was to make ‘quilted’ pencil cases for my self, brothers and sister…My eldest brother looks after his things, he used his for the next 25 odd years and when he did retire it he kept it still and now 39 years after giving it to him he has given it back to me, it was a real blast from the past when I opened the package that the postman delivered.

pencil case that I made in 1969

Time to Rebuild April 3rd, 2008

concrete for castle floor

Some time ago I showed the castle ruin that I am building in my front yard, what I showed was a tempery structure to get the effect, I love the effect but I didn’t position it wisely, I left enough room to park my car but everyone else has bigger cars and with my son home and wanting a car space it is time to move my castle…And time to build the permanent structure, we have now got the ground leveled and the concrete purchased for the floor.

the ground is leveled