Annies Crazy World

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    This is Annie Whitsed's Crazy World a world where I stitch the joys and chaos of life into beautifull crazy quilts. email
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getting the size right May 10th, 2007

Sharon has lent me a pair of size 14 knitting needles…they were to big for the thread I had been using so I seperated the threads of some wool so that I had a single ply…it is bigger than the piece I knitted on the skewers but for this seam bigger may actually be better and it was much easier to knit with the metal needles…Sharon also suggested that I put coins in the photo to give an idea of relative size.

more miniature knitting

Lets go Fly a Kite – detail 261 May 9th, 2007

kites in the visual journal

Above is my Visual Journal sketches for this kite scene seam, which wasn’t working untill I added the cloud…

Lets go fly a kite

The cload is a piece of cotton batting stitched on with buttonhole stitch.

An appliqued kite with embroidered cross bars would have been just as effective but I couldn’t help myself from making a miniature kite from wire and fabric.

A bead doll is flying the kite.

I like this seam because it is the first of the scene seams that I have been able to work onto a vertical seam…

Below is the finished block 23…7 to go.

Block 23

Miniature knitting May 8th, 2007

knitting seam in my visual journal

Above is the sketch in my visual journal for a knitting scene seam…I can remember my mum knitting, she did it because she had to but she hated it, until she got a knitting machine…A knitting machine would be very difficult to embroider but I reckon hand knitting will remind the family of the knitting machine that mum did love.

I used an emery nail file to file the ends of skewers to make needles small enough for the miniature knitting I need for this seam, The first piece below is a practice run to get the feel for the size, the second piece to work out the pattern that I want to do…The pattern is in memory of a much loved jumper that mum did hand knit from scrapes of wool, it had rows of diamonds about an inch high and was passed down from child to child.

knitting for a knitting seam

– Detail 260 May 7th, 2007

herringbone over rick rack with colonial knots and beads

I started this seam with the ric rac braid held on with herringbone stitch and the colonial knots…I then went looking for beads that weren’t a circle and came up with bugle beads, when I tried the red ones the seam looked christmassy so I used the irridescent ones (left hand side) but they looked a bit dull so I added the red beads to them anyway, it still looks a bit christmassy but that is OK because there is many family christmasses to be remembered.

TAST Whipped Wheels – Detail 259 May 6th, 2007

I realized that I had not done any of the Whipped Wheels from this weeks TAST challenge so I have rectified that by doing a seam of them…I varied the sizes and I used a couple of different varigated threads to make them a little different…Whipped Wheels always remind me of Star Fish

Whipped Wheels

Inspiration from past work May 5th, 2007

I didn’t get any stitching done today but even when I am not stitching I am still thinking about mum’s quilt…One of the Seam Scenes that I want to do is a cloths line and the image below is part of my inspiration…The image is of a Miniature Quilt (5 x 6 inches) that I made in 1985.

Miniature Cloths Line Quilt

Looking for photos – Detail 258 May 4th, 2007

Cross stitchToday I found a photo of a nephew that I have been trying to find for the last couple of months only to find that the image was just to small for what I need…The other place that I might have a better quality photo of him was from when he was page boy at my wedding, it only took me a couple of hours to find that lot of photos and I was rewarded for the search with a lovely image so I was able to get another block pieced today.

When I had the block pieced I felt that the bottom right fabric was a bit bright and that it would need a wide stitch in a neutral colour to tone it down a bit, this Cross Stitch from TAST week 9 worked to do just that.

Cross stitch

TAST Week 18 Spider Roses – Detail 257 May 3rd, 2007

spider roses on lace

I decided to put lace on this seam and while I was looking at the laces and thinking about what embroidery I could do on them I realized that this lace had webs on it that reminded me of this weeks TAST stitch woven wheels…
I had to add an extra spoke because the weaving needs an odd number of spokes and a colonial knot to fill the centre.

And that finishes block 22 for mum’s memory quilt.

Block 22

A Silk Ribbon Garden – Detail 256 May 2nd, 2007

This seam started with the flowers in details 246 and 247 and grew in the haphazard way that my real garden dose…I added a small butterfly bead for interest…Tip: seams like this are a great way to use short lengths of thread and silk ribbon.

A Silk Ribbon Garden

A Stitch Mutates and Evolves May 1st, 2007

When I did my stitch Yesturday I thought that I was doing it similar to what Elizabeth had but it turns out that I was so focused on the tear drop shape that I didn’t see the rest of her design and was actually doing something different…the interesting thing is that if I hadn’t been so focused on that one tear drop shape I would have seen the whole stitch but if I had seen the whole stitch I wouldn’t have thought of putting it end on end.

I was thrilled that Elizabeth was then able to take what I did and work it back into a counted thread design. I think it is exciting that the internet and blogging gives us the opportuntity to bounce ideas back and forth and to learn and be inspired by each other.