Annies Crazy World

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    This is Annie Whitsed's Crazy World a world where I stitch the joys and chaos of life into beautifull crazy quilts. email
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Painting is done for the day March 23rd, 2008

We have had a lovely afternoon painting eggs…I will wait till tomorrow, when I will have daylight, to take photos of the eggs.

Easter Sunday activity

Getting ready for Painting Easter Eggs March 22nd, 2008

It has become tradition for the Canberra branch of the family to paint eggs at easter..The following links explain how the the tradition got started, the eggs we have painted in past years and other eggy stories.

Scrambled Eggs for Breaksfast, Lunch or Tea

Painting Eggs – Its become a Family Tradition

A Rare Sight

Our 2007 Painted Eggs

Humpty Dumpty is sitting on the wall

I am not quite as organized this year as I was last year and still have to blow and undercoat more eggs but everything else is ready to go.

Easter Sunday activity

My Band Sampler 45 – Detail 592 March 21st, 2008

A line of Detached Chain

When you make a long seal down stitch on the Detached Chain it opens up other possibilities for making patterns with them…the thread I used on this seam is Ribbon Floss

My Band Sampler 44 – Detail 591 March 20th, 2008

Another thing that you can do with Detached Chain Stitch is to make the seal down stitch long which gives a whole different look to the stitch.
Detached Chain Seam before adding beads

I photographed this seam before adding the beads to show how the detail of adding the beads adds a lot to the overall look of the seam…The thread is Silk Buttonhole Twist.

Detached Chain seam with beads

My Band Sampler 43 – Detail 590 March 19th, 2008

Detached Chain Stitch with French knots

Detached Chain stitch using a Varigated Rayon Thread with Colonial knot flowers done with a varigated size 5 cotton pearl thread.

Take It Further Challenge – March Colours March 18th, 2008

Take it Further March Colours
This is the 12 inches of my sampler that I have stitched using the March Take it Further colours.

My Band Sampler 42 – St Patricks Day – Detail 589 March 17th, 2008

St Patricks Day and Sweet Peas

A Shamrock for Saint Patricks Day and St Patricks Day is the time to plant Sweet Peas Down Under.

My Band Sampler 41 – Detail 588 March 16th, 2008

Detached Chain

Detached Chain sealed with a Colonial Knot and trimmed with beads

My Band Sampler 40 – Detail 587 March 15th, 2008

Detached Chain Stitch

Detached Chain Stitch with 3 strands Cotton Floss.

My Band Sampler 39 More Lazy Daisies – Detail 586 March 14th, 2008

Detached Chain Lazy Daisies

The Lazy Daisies and the green vine are 2 strands silk floss.