Annies Crazy World

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    This is Annie Whitsed's Crazy World a world where I stitch the joys and chaos of life into beautifull crazy quilts. email
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My Band Sampler 51 – Detail 599 April 2nd, 2008

small ring attached with detached chain stitchI have used 2 coloured detached chain stitch to hold the ring in place…It is much the same as I did on a block I made last year.

A Buzy Day April 1st, 2008

Their first painted egssIt was a buzy day, I had a visit from a quilting friend, who was passing through town, and we had lots of catching up and quilt talk to do…as well my son had a visit from a friend and her 4 year old twins.

The egg painting stuff is still out on the table and I thought it would be nice to let them paint an egg, I found painting smocks and as it was a lovely sunny day they sat outside to paint their first eggs…

I photographed their eggs in the garden because they had both come and told me that I had a lovely garden because it had lots of hiding places for the fairies.

Their first painted egss

My Band Sampler 50 – Rose Buds – Detail 598 March 31st, 2008

detached Chain Stitch Rose BudsDetached Chain Stitch can be worked with 2 needles to make a 2 coloured stitch, thread one needle with the loop colour and one needle with the seal down stitch colour…When stitched with silk ribbon the 2 coloured Detached Chain Stitch looks like rose buds.

My Band Sampler 49 – Dragonflies – Detail 597 March 30th, 2008

Detached Chain Stitch DragonflyWith a few small adaptations the Butterflies that I showed you the other night Dragon Fly…Use straight stitches to Stitch a small tappered body, place Detached Chain Stitch wings either side and add 2 French Knot eyes…I used a metalic thread for the wings so that it would shine like dragonfly wings do.

Take it Further March Design – My Band Sampler 48 – Earth Hour – Detail 596 March 29th, 2008

The Take it Further Challenge March design is to pay attention to the tiny details…I have been pondering over this all month, so much of my work is tiny detail that not one thing that I had thought of stood out and somehow the question sounded to me to be bigger than any individual tiny detail…

Today, while I was stitching for Earth Hour I was thinking about how my life has changed over the last few years as I have made small changes to do what I can to reduce my footprint on our planet and as I was thinking I realized that this seam represents the concept of the March Design…I have always lived by the philosophy ‘think Globally, act Locally’ and acting locally is looking at the tiny details of how I use electricity/water/petrol and making small changes where I can, those small changes are making a big difference to my power bills and I hope that they help make a difference for the earth…

Earth Hour

Stem Stitch done with 2 strands of varigated cotton floss.

My Band Sampler 47 – Butterflies – Details 594 and 595 March 28th, 2008

Detached buttonhole stitch butterfliesDetached Chain Stitches makes lovely butterflies.

The first time I encountered these butterflies was on the cover of Dorothy Bonds book Crazy Quilt Stitches (ISBN 0-9606086-0-5) which look much like the first purple butterfly which is done with silk buttonhole twist thread.

I tend to leave a gap between the wings so that I can add a stitched or beaded body…the second butterfly is stitched with Rayon Thread and has a beaded body.

The 3rd butterfly is stitched with Silk Ribbon and has a stitched body…Silk Ribbon makes a lovely full winged butterfly.

Below is a flight of Butterflies on a detail from my crazy quilt called Butterflies. Detached buttonhole stitch butterflies

My Band Sampler 46 – Easter Eggs – Detail 593 March 27th, 2008

Easter Eggs on sampler

To decorate my sampler eggs I have done rows of embroidery stitches making them miniature samplers…Because Easter Eggs are wrapped in bright, shiny foil I have used shiny threads for the stitching on the eggs and all the threads are metalics or rayon.

Easter Eggs on My Band Sampler are in Progress March 26th, 2008

Easter Eggs on sampler in ProgressNow that Easter is over I have got time to record Easter on my Sampler or st least get it started…I started by drawing 2 eggs and outlineing them in black stem stitch, the black looked to severe so I overstitched it with a fine varigated matalic thread which has softened the edges.

Painted Easter Eggs 2008 March 25th, 2008

our 2008 painted easter eggs

These are our 2008 Painted Easter Eggs and below are detailed images of a few of them.

Lily 2008 egg

Lily used her cat, Tiger, as inspiration for this egg, In past years I have given her assistance cutting and glueing the ears and extra bits to her eggs, this year age 11 she did the entire thing herself. I love the cat’s tail, it is a piece of one of the skewers that we put the eggs on when painting them.

Lauren 2008 egg

janice 2008 eggLauren has used her life at uni for her inspiration dividing her egg into halves, one half for the series study at the Australian National University, the other half for the social life.

For her inspiration my sister used the same image of our mum that I used on mum’s memory quilt, under the Mango tree.

I also used mum’s memory quilt for inspiration (and continued a theme that has run through my work)…I Painted a cloths line on my egg…I put a post on either side of the egg and ran a line around each side, when I saw the magnified image I could see that it is not very well painted but at egg size it looks good…When you can hold the egg and spin it the design works well but it is the hardest yet to photograph.

my 2008 egg

Painted Easter Eggs 2008 – not happening tonight March 24th, 2008

Well I have taken Photos of our painted Easter eggs and have them ready to upload but every time I try and upload them I am getting an error message, that I don’t understand…I will try again in the morning and fingers crossed that it will fix itself overnight.