Annies Crazy World

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    This is Annie Whitsed's Crazy World a world where I stitch the joys and chaos of life into beautifull crazy quilts. email
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Second Hand Sunday February 15th, 2009

Today was ‘Second Hand Sunday’ in Canberra…A day when if you have anything to give away you register your address with a brief description of what you have and then today you put it out on the roadside curb…The list is put up on the website, I checked the list for my local area on last night and one of them had 300 bricks…I need more bricks for what I want to do in the garden so I had myself up early this morning and around at the address early enough to be first in and I got the bricks…I went back a couple of hours later and we moved 3 1/2 boot loads…they need cleaning but the mortar is soft and chips of easily.

second hand sunday bricksSecond hand sunday bricks

My Band Sampler 153 – Detail 884 – Feather Stitch Valentine February 14th, 2009

For Valentine’s Day I used Feather Stitch to outline a Heart and added a red Colonial Knot to each arm of the Feather Stitch…A Happy Valentine’s Day to all my readers.

Valentine\'s Day Heart

My Band Sampler 152 – Details 880 to 883 – Feather Stitch February 13th, 2009

still more feather stitch

these feather stitch variations are the result of stitching 2 rows side by side.

The first row is 2 rows of the basic stitch…When I saw the heart shapes appear I stitched the 2 rows from the bottom to show the heart right way up…For the third line I altered the stitch by making the outside stitches shorter and trimmed them with beads.

The 2 rows of stitching in the last row are still side by side but staggered so that the 2 rows interlock, I also used a deep but narrow V because I only had a narrow space left to fill.

My Band Sampler 151 – Detail 879 – 40 years of stitching February 12th, 2009

remembering my first sewing lessonWhen I started High School one of the compulsory first form classes was craft which was an introduction to home science (cooking) and needlework, Rock Cakes are the only thing I remember from the cooking lessons but the needlework lessons I loved, the first thing that we made was a half slip, I still have the embroidery that I did on the front of it…I took needlework as an elective for the next 3 years and if I learnt nothing else at school I did learn to sew, a skill that I have used continually throughout the years since that first neelwork lesson in 1969.

When I showed this to a friend and then to my sister they both asked did I leave the ‘to’ out deliberately so that I could insert it in the school book fashion….answer is no, when I want the line of words to finish at the right hand side I embroider them backwards, for this line I started with the W of sew, when working backward I am careful to check the spelling of each word letter for letter as I go, what I didn’t check was that I was including all the words.

My Band Sampler 150 – Detail 878 – Floods and Fire February 11th, 2009

Flood and Fire

I have 2 brothers and there families live near Ingham in north Queensland which has flooded twice…In Victoria I have friends and fellow country men who have faced the worst fires in our recorded history with 181+ lives lost and nearly 2,ooo homes burnt to the ground.

How do I record this one on my Sampler?…The contrast of flood and fire brings to mind Dorothea MacKellar’s Poem I love a Sun Burnt Country…I printed the words on fabric and then overprinted them with a flood photo and a fire photo, above the images I embroidered the works Dark Days as the days are literally dark as bush fires darken the sky and both flood and fire cut electricity supplies and metaphorically dark as the survivors have to grieve their losses so that they can go on living.

I was going to write some of the details beside the poem but I have left it blank, what words do I write? and the images seams to speak for itself…For the recording of the history I will write the dates etc on the back.

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My Band Sampler 149 – Details 871 to 877 – Feather Stitch February 10th, 2009

and more Feather stitch

Last night my feather stitch variations were mainly angle with some stitch length changes…Tonight I was working mainly on stitch length with some angle changes.

Again the first line is a control basic feather stitch with which to compare the rest.

On the second line I made the outside arm a longer stitch…it didn’t look like I had imagined it would so I tried again, elongating the stitch more as well as the longer outer arms, line 3 is what I had imagined.

The fourth line has shorter outer arms.

The fifth line has shorter outer arms as well as a straighter spine.

The sixth row is closed feather stitch.

The last line has the outer arms pointing inwards.

My Band Sampler 148 – Details 864 to 870 – Feather Stitch February 9th, 2009

more feather stitch

This block of Feather Stitch is playing with the angle of the stitch and stitch size.

I started with a line of basic feather stitch as a reference point for the rest of the block.

The second line slopes the needle further towards the centre which makes the central spine straigter.

The third and fourth lines are from angling the needle straight down, line 4 has a longer stitch which makes a wider seam.

The fifth line has a narrow spacing at the top with the needle angled almost down making a long stitch creating deep Vs.

The sixth line has a wide top and when the needle is angled almost towards the centre it creates wide shallow V’s.

The seventh row shows what happens if the angle in the sixth row is pushed even further so that it points directly at the centre…What happens is that the stitch formed is called Cretan Stitch

My Band Sampler 147 – Details 855 to 863 – Feather Stitch February 8th, 2009

Feather Stitch

The next stitch that I am recording on my sampler is tthe TAST Week 7 stitch, Feather Stitch…Feather stitch is an old time favourite stitch, it is versatile and always look good.

The first thing that I have done with it is to work it in 7 different threads …across the top is a size 5 cotton pearl then from left to right, one strand of cotton, 3 strands of cotton, 4 strands of silk (approx thickness of 6 strands of cotton), a soft size 5 cotton, a rayon thread, a linen thread and silk ribbon…I have used black threads to show the shape of the stitches without being distracted by colour.

My Band Sampler 146 – Details 853 and 854 – Miniature Band Sampler February 4th, 2009

Miniature sampler on my samplerThe detail across the top is Spanish Knotted Feather Stitch.

The other detail is a miniature sampler…when I cut the bottom of f of panel 6 I started playing with the off cut wondering if there was anything that I could make with it and almost before I knew it I was making a miniature sampler…it is 4 inches long, it is not very to scale but it is cute and I have stitched it down one side to attach it to my band sampler.

Hard to stitch with foggy glasses – updated my blogroll January 30th, 2009

It has been hot for4 days now and today was so hot that my glasses have been fogging up and if that is not bad enough, when I tilt my head forward the glasses start to do a slow slide down my nose, makes it nigh on impossible to sew and to think that Melbourne and Adelaide are even hotter…

A quit job I have found to fill in some of the day is to update my Blogroll and I would like to introduce the 2 Blogs that I have added

The first blog is Story of a Sampler, Mandie started her sampler on the 21st November until then her stitching history was limited to cross stitch and black work, She started her sampler with these stitches that she did know and then went on to work her way through the stitches in the ‘Reader’s Digest Complete Guide to Needlework’, I think that choosing a book to work her way through was a great ideas for teaching herself and it has been exciting to watch how quickly her stitching has improved…If you are a beginner wanting to start a sampler read this post and then browse through Mandie’s other posts and be inspired to get started…Mandie also has a list in her sidebar of other blogs that are making band samplers.

The other Blog is Time Out Stitching, a quilting blog written by my sister in law so I can tell you that she has been a fine stitcher since school days…

I hope that you enjoy these 2 blogs