Annies Crazy World

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    This is Annie Whitsed's Crazy World a world where I stitch the joys and chaos of life into beautifull crazy quilts. email
November 2007
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Frameing November 14th, 2007


Before I went on Holiday I had everything, except the cut in the mat board, ready to frame a friends embroideries…I have a cutter to cut the hole but since having to wear glasses I don’t trust my eye and I baulked at making the cut…When I did do one of the cuts today I was not at all happy with it, it wasn’t may eyes that let me down but my hands and I was not able to keep a consistant even pressure as I pulled the cutter along and the result was a jaggered cut…on to plan B, I took the mat boardes to the frameing shop and paid a few dollars for them to make clean, crisp cuts around the hole…

Because the embroidery is 3 dimensional I put in a thin border of foam core to hold the mat board and embroidery back from the glass…After getting the first one into the frame I looked at it and oops I had forgotten to put the mat board in…re assemble it with the mat board…Tip remember to put all layers into the Frame.

Together again…oops there is a thread in there…take it apart, remove the thread, reassemble it…Tip last thing before putting the embroidery in the frame check glass for smudges and embroidery for fluff and threads.

Second frame assembled without a single oops but…

Ooops When I came to assemble the third frame the glass was to big to fit, when I measured the hole it was just a bit smaller than the other 2 frames…this meant that I had to undo the second frame to exchange the glass, cut a sliver off every side of the mat board and restretch the embroidery over a slightly smaller board…There was no predicting that problem.

Holiday Snaps Day 18