Re the thin line I blogged lasty night Elizabeth commented Snip…And when I read what you said about the thin line something clicked in my mind. Not only because I remembered being so impressed with this as I saw some of your work on your mom’s memory quilt but also because that was a common element in the printing I was involved with at work. There they called it a thin key line…snip
A thin key line…So my thin line actually has a name…I love how so many things learnt from doing other things can then be incorperated into crazy quilting.
I have done no stitching tonight because I missed getting a phone call on Sat night so didn’t find out till late this afternoon that my brother would be arriveing tonight…he rang to tell me that he had been delayed and wouldn’t be here untill tomorrow morning, which is just as well because it at least gave me this evening to get a little housework done.