Annies Crazy World

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    This is Annie Whitsed's Crazy World a world where I stitch the joys and chaos of life into beautifull crazy quilts. email
November 2007
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Concreting 101 November 13th, 2007

Several months ago I started to build a garden edge from small peices of slate but put it on hold when the mortar dried crumbly, I reasoned that the problem was that my cement was old and stale so I bought another bag of mortar and last week I tried again, no joy the mortar dried crumbly…I talked to a friend on the weekend and he gave me a tip and in so doing reminded me that cement needs to be WELL Mixed and not just stirred till it is all wet, the tip was to add a couple of drops of dishwashing detergent to the water before adding it to the cement…I don’t know wether it was the detergent or the extra mixing but something worked and although my mortar is still not real good it is a lot better and I have finished the short bit of wall that I was building…Just goes to show the value of a little knowledge.

To Blend the wall with other things that I have done in the garden I added small shards of china to the wall and left gaps like little caves where I can put tiny objects.

slate wall in the Garden

This was a trial run to learn how to work with cement/mortar so that I can make my castle ruin permanent…

Holiday Snaps Day 17