Annies Crazy World

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    This is Annie Whitsed's Crazy World a world where I stitch the joys and chaos of life into beautifull crazy quilts. email
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Nativity Calendar 3rd December – cross stitch gift – Detail 953 December 3rd, 2009

Nativity calendar 3rd December - cross stitch gift

My Band Sampler 172 – Details 950 to 952 December 3rd, 2009

Pattern on the cover of A Rare Benedictine

This Pattern is one of my favourites and it is the one that has given me the most problem adapting it to embroidery. Firstly I found that I had to enlarge the pattern to have any hope of reproducing its detail (top line), then that I had to simplify it to get clear detail (bottom line)

I have included a memory to Michael Jackson for my daughter who has grown up listening to his music, The Badge is one from her collection of memorabilia.

remembering Michael Jackson on My Sampler

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Nativity Calendar 2nd December – Christmas Pudding – Detail 949 December 2nd, 2009

Nativity Calendar 2nd December Christmas Pudding

Cross Stitch Christmas Pudding

Nativity Calendar 1st December – Detail 948 December 1st, 2009

Nativity Calendar

For the last couple of months my attention has been required elsewhere but I have just had a few days away with a quilting friend and now my head is cleared so that I can get back to some stitching and blogging and as it is the 1st of December I am in time to blog my Nativity Calendar as I open the windows.

1st December

I made my Nativity Calendar in 1989 and each square is 1 1/2 inchs. It started with a few christmas designs that a friend had, some of them are from cross stitch patterns that I adapted to christmas by adding a holly leaf, some I designed myself.

Happy Birthday Mum – Celebrating 80 Years October 6th, 2009

I called my Mum’s Memory Quilt ‘Under the Mango Tree’ because the Mango tree has a special place in all our family memories and it was under the Mango tree that we gathered to celebrate Mum’s 80th Birthday.

The family under the Mango Tree

A Highlight of her party was the Harley Trike that my sister in law organized, a 30 minute ride for mum, my sister and me and a 10 min ride around town for everyone else.

Here comes the Harley TrikeHarley Trike Ride

And the cake which we decided to decorate girly pink…the cake decorations are from the scrapbooking department, the butterflies and Dragonflies are brads, normally used to hold layers of paper together they worked really well as cake decorations.

Mum\'s 80th Birthday Cake

My Band Sampler 171 – Details 946 and 947 August 25th, 2009

This pattern is from the cover of One Corpse to Many by Ellis Peters…

I had to modify this pattern Because I cannot get the fineness of the drawn detail with thread and nor can I get the saturation of background colours in a resonable stitching time

Pattern on the cover of One Corpse to Many

celebrating the Winter Solstice

The winter Solstice is a day that I look forward to each year because it is the day that the days start to get longer, a promise that spring will come.

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My Band Sampler 170 – Details 944 and 145 – August 24th, 2009

This Pattern is on the cover of A Morbid Taste For Bones by Ellis Peters…I broke down to a line of each of 4 colours that twist and twirl under and over each other, I did the lines with stem stitch and just had to watch the unders and overs where the lines cross.

design on the cover of A Morbid Taste for Bones

Winter on my sampler

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My Band Sampler 169 – Details 943 and944 -Inspiration on the Cover of a Book August 21st, 2009

cover of bookThe next few things on my list are words and I thought that they needed something between them, I was thinking along the lines of a line with a couple of loops, I didn’t want anything that was going to distract me from getting on with the catching up but while thinking about what I could do I saw the cover of a Brother Cadfael novel…The Brother Cadfael novels by Ellis Peters all have a line of medieval design on them, some of which looked as if they could be stitched…yes they have distracted me a bit and meant athe at the catching up has taken longer but I liked the idea of including them because my sister and I were reading the novels at the time of the events I am currently stitching.

design on cover of book
from book cover to sampler

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Peace in Pieces 008 – The finished Block August 19th, 2009

Cream Diamond

Peace in Pieces 007 – Details 941 and 942 – Silk Ribbon Flowers August 18th, 2009

Silk Ribbon FlowersI don’t often repeat an embellishment on a block but sometimes repeating an embellishment is what brings everything together…I had left the top seam on my block until we had all the blocks together so that we could see what was needed…I had done the flowers below on my block and a couple of the other girls had done similar silk ribbon flowers on there blocks and when it was time to decide it just seemed to feel right to repeat the silk ribbon flowers at the top.

Silk Ribbon Flowers