Annies Crazy World

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    This is Annie Whitsed's Crazy World a world where I stitch the joys and chaos of life into beautifull crazy quilts. email
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Part 3 – “How” to make Linda into a square February 5th, 2006

Under sized blocks aren’t generally a problem, they happen because the embrodiery pulls the fabric in but if one person cuts out all the foundations, pieces and embroiders the blocks then all the blocks for their quilt will shrink at about the same rate so that when it comes to sizeing the finished block the smallest block can be measured and then all can be cut to that size.

For a group quilt each block is measured and cut by a different person, pieced by a different method onto a variety of different foundation fabrics, then some are lightly embellished and others are heavily, make that Very heavily embellished with a variety of different types of embroidery and is no surprise that there is a variation in the sizes of the blocks, actually the surprising thing is that the greatest variation was only 1/4″ shy of the asked for size.

My own block was was undersize, just in the top right corner I fixed it by using fusible webbing to add small strips of fabric, it worked on mine but I didn’t want to put fusible webbing on anybody elses block…I thought about different things that I could do…I could mark the stitching line onto the back of the blocks and match them up when I pin the blocks together but the embroider and beads would have made the lines difficult to mark and besides I hate matching seams…I could baste the blocks to another piece of fabric but that would have added unnecessary weight and bulk so I would have to cut out the middle of the fabric just leaving the bit I needed around the edge but that would be way to much effort when all I want is a guide to line up with the edges so that the seam lines would match up….All the blocks do have sufficient seam allowance so I could have cut all the blocks down to have 1/4 inch seams but 1/2 inch seams sit flatter in the finished quilt so I didn’t want to do that…Ummm I wonder, I don’t even know where the thought came from but less than a minute later Linda was square…The solution was to cut a 9 inch square of lunch wrap paper and to pin the undersized block to it…easy peasy and Linda you are now a square.

cutting a 9\" paper squareLinda is now a square

Stay tuned for Part 4 – “how” to stitch the blocks together

2 Responses to “Part 3 – “How” to make Linda into a square”

  1. Chloe @ Linda Says:

    And here was me, always thinking I was a Trapezoid! Nice to be part of the mob again. 🙂 Thank You!

  2. Marty52 Says:

    This is such a great series, Annie. Thanks so much for sharing the progress of the quilt.

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