Annies Crazy World

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learning how to stitch sequins October 21st, 2005

The First thing that I wrote onto my To Do List was Shoe Block for Lynne…being an appliqued shoe on a 6 inch Pink background and I knew that she would like a high heeled strappy shoe like the ones I wore with my Bridesmaids dress

shoe model To get a pattern I photographed my shoe, resized the image to fit the block and elongated the hight just a little to make it look even more elegant….I nearly took fright when I saw just how small the pieces were but I have appliqued tiny pieces in the past so decided to give it a go, it was fiddely but I am glad that I perservered, the image below is actual size.

The finished Shoe

I made tiny roules for the sole and straps and I used a piece of leather for the upper sole at the front …when I went looking for the string of red sequins I found the bag of sequins but there were no red ones in it, I am sure that I have some but had no idea where to even start looking and decided that it would be easier and quicker to buy some more but first I asked Sharon if she had any, she had loose red sequins and as I was thinking that it would still be easier to buy some that where already stitched together, she found some that where smaller, making them better scale for the size of the shoe, as well as being a better colour to match the fabric in the shoe which made it worth sewing the individual sequins onto a ribbon, having decided to use them Sharon had to teach me the backstitch to sew them on with…for the buckle I pinched a short length of my son’s silver wire and bent it into a buckle shape…I was only hoping to make something that looked like a buckle and I was delighted to find that though the spike that goes through the hole doestn’t move like a real buckle it does work so that the buckle can be done up and undone.

making buckle 1
buckle done up

I gave it to Lynne at tonights Canberra Crazy Quilters meeting, all the members of the group have made her a shoe for a significant birthday and now that she has mine she will be able to make them up into a quilt

Posted in Not Crazy || 1 Comment »

One Response to “learning how to stitch sequins”

  1. Mary-Frances Main Says:

    Wow! On the sequins and the new blog layout…looks fabulous!

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