Annies Crazy World

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    This is Annie Whitsed's Crazy World a world where I stitch the joys and chaos of life into beautifull crazy quilts. email
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Day 55 -Time August 14th, 2006

Screen shot
The Project that I have been detailing is a 12 inch square which I made in 2001 for the first Quilting Arts Magazine Calendar Contest.

This image is a painting that I did of my first thoughts showing the rough layout of the block with a globe in the centre surrounded by sky and water.

In the details (47 to 52) of the sky and water that I have shown in the last week I used the moon in the night sky and a bright sunny day to represent time passing forward into the future…The west wind button that reminded me of old maps and the biplane are a look back into the past…and the black Patch of deep space represents time in light years…Sub Plots, in space light years are a measure of distance and the distance between one side of the world, where the sun is shining, to the other side that sees the moon, can also be thought about in terms of time and over time the aero plane has decreased the time between places that where once very distant, meaning that we have more opportunity to meet with people from around the world.
Hands of the clock

The above details look at time in the big picture To nights detail looks at the little picture, time broken down into the hours of the day….

Around the edge of the globe are Bugle Beads and Seed Beads marking the hours and in the centre the hands of the clock…the minute hand is a pair scissors for how I like to spend my time crazy quilting and the time is set to the eleventh hour because that is when I get most things done.

In this detail there is a calendar charm to mark the days and a pocket watch to mark the minutes…And a pot of tea to pass the time of day, tea time with friends being a very important part of our lives…Another Sub Plot is crazy quilting… and a part of crazy quilting to me is the friendships with crazy quilters, who are such caring, sharing, creative, wonderful people…

Note Yesterday’s spider web was not just because spider webs are traditionally found on crazy quilts but because the themes of this quilt interconnected like a web…and right now I feel like my words are getting tangled in the web so I am going to leave you with TO BE CONTINUED…


One Response to “Day 55 -Time”

  1. Susan Says:

    This is a lovely piece. Thank you for explaining the whys and wherefores. I really loved yesterday’s spider, too. Some of these things must be so tiny!

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