Annies Crazy World

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My Band Sampler 161 – Detail 906 to 910 March 18th, 2009

The last couple of weeks have been unusually buzy with a vaiety of activities happening, one of those activities was getting a new, well second hand but new to me Lap Top Computer, very exciting but has meant installing programes and getting it set up, some of which is know done and with a bit of time to spare now I can catch up what I have been doing on my sampler.

Feather Stitch variations

These are a couple of feather stitch variations from The Batsfords Encyclopedia of Embroidery Stitches by Anne Butler…Sharon reviewed this book when she found it.

The first 2 lines are whipped feather stitch, the first one is whipped in the same thread and the second line is whipped with a contrasting thread…

The 3rd line is knotted feather stitch, it has the knot formed on the central side of the thread…in the 4th line I was testing wether there was much of a visual difference if I formed the knot on the outside edge side of the thread, there is more shape to the central spine of the stitch.

stitch angle for detail 908stitch angle for detail 909

The last line is recording Autumn, I was playing around with doing big block letters down the line when a friend visited and suggested having the letters smaller and falling down like Autumn leaves.

3 Responses to “My Band Sampler 161 – Detail 906 to 910”

  1. Gail Says:

    Nice stitches. I have never seen these feather variations before. Although I am a newbee crazy quilter.

  2. Mal* Says:

    I love the way you’ve done your AUTUMN as falling leaves. It turned out so cute!

    Thanks, too, for showing some progress pictures. I was wondering how you get all of your lines so, er, “lined up.” Now I see you’ve got guidelines. I wondered if you were counting squares or what…? Thanks for showing!

  3. Maureen Bond Says:

    Both versions of the knotted Feather stitch look very good. The 4th row would work well as sea weed too.

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