Annies Crazy World

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My Band Sampler 159 – Stitch Explorer Trellis Stitch Tea Cup – Detail 903 February 22nd, 2009

Trellis Stitch Tea Cup with fingers to show sizeI used a fine silk thread for this little Tea Cup and Saucer and it was somewhat tedious to stitch but I will do tedious if it means I can make cute things.

I started with a flat spiral trellis stitch circle for the centre of the saucer and worked a couple of extra rows around the outside edge, next time I will do a smaller circle to start and more rows around the edge.

For the cup I stitched a circle of back stitch on the saucer stitched a row into them, increased a little on the second and third rows to give the cup shape and continued to add rows until the cup was high enough…For the handle I made some loops of thread the size of the handle and worked trellis stitch over them, it similar to a buttonhole loop but the trellis stitch doesn’t twist like buttonhole stitch does

Trellis Stitch Tea Cup

16 Responses to “My Band Sampler 159 – Stitch Explorer Trellis Stitch Tea Cup – Detail 903”

  1. Pierrette Says:

    This is just too darling 🙂

    Pierrette =^..^=

  2. Diane Says:

    Oh, it’s absolutely wonderful!

  3. Mal* Says:

    Oh. My. Gosh. That is crazy cute and such a “natural” for this kind of stitch that I’m amazed we haven’t seen hundreds of these. I love it when someone stumbles onto the simple or obvious solution yet executes it with such skill and whimsy. I love it!

  4. Conni Jenkins Says:

    That is adorable!

  5. Muddlepud Says:

    This is awesome. I have yet to experiment with this stitch, but I’m looking forward to seeing where it takes me. I really like the variations you’ve done (the hat especially). I also want you to know you’ve inspired me to start a band sampler. I’d never heard of it before, but I love the idea, and the Stitch Explorer is a perfect way for me to get started!

  6. anne Says:

    One day, I have made an embroidered hat (with a pattern in a japanese sttich) but the stitch was not sprial treillis; and the cup is WONDERFUL!
    You are GREAT!
    anne (the middle image on the 3rd line)

  7. Andrea Says:

    … now you just need to stictch a bit of cake or a scone (with jam and cream of course) to go with the cuppa 😉

  8. Jane O Says:

    This teacup is gorgeous! What a delightful way to use trellis stitch.

  9. MaryAnn Says:

    What wonderful ideas! How creative and such vision of what can be.

  10. Ronel Webb Says:

    Hello, I often visit here on your site just to see what you are up to. I just had to say : I love the little hat and teacup. This is truly inspirational! Regards from Sunny South Africa.

  11. ira Says:

    Beautiful cup. I love it. Wonderful work.
    Can I do 1 like this to me?

  12. Allison Aller Says:

    This teacup is just to die for…so cute!!!

  13. Shelley Says:

    I just love the cup and saucer – such a wonderful idea!

  14. Maureen Bond Says:

    Such a dear and delicate cup and saucer. You have nimble fingers Annie and your creations always delight the eye and heart.

  15. Mary Corbet Says:

    These are ALL great – I love the chenille thread! And the tea cup – oh, it’s PERFECT!!!

  16. JoWynn Says:

    Haven’t been here for a while, Annie, and I’m so happy to see your trellis stitch experiments. What fun, and so adorable! I’m just plugging away, learning Elizabethan stitches, with a lot of practice.

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