Annies Crazy World

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    This is Annie Whitsed's Crazy World a world where I stitch the joys and chaos of life into beautifull crazy quilts. email
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My Band Sampler 140 – Detail 848 – An Historic Day January 21st, 2009

Celebrating the Inauguration of Barack ObamaI had to think about the date to embroider on this one because where I was watching the TV coverage in Australia it was 4 am on wed 21st but that date doesn’t work because History will say that Barack Obama was Inaugurated on the 20th January 2009 and an historic day it is, certainly for the USA and I think that it will go down as a an important day in World History which is why I have recorded it on my Sampler.

get together

This afternoon I picked Sharon up and we went to the Botanic Gardens to meet up with Doreen who is also from Canberra and Judy who is visiting from Adelaide, we had a lovely afternoon of show and tell and chat…see Sharon up and we went to the Botanic Gardens to meet up with Doreen who is also from Canberra and Judy who is visiting from Adelaide, we had a lovely afternoon of show and tell and chat.

4 Responses to “My Band Sampler 140 – Detail 848 – An Historic Day”

  1. Marty52 Says:

    I’m so glad Obama is in the White House now… Change has definitely come to town!!! Your sampler is coming along soooo well, thanks for sharing!

  2. Mary-Frances Main Says:

    Yay! So happy about Obama and glad to see you all enjoying yourselves!

  3. Cindy B Says:

    I put Barack on my band sampler, too, except I did it right after election day. I wonder how many others did this, too. It becomes a kind of a journal, doesn’t it?

  4. Judy B Says:

    It was a great afternoon, though I am sure somebody wound up all the clocks and they ran faster for a couple of hours!
    I will enjoy watching the progress of your band sampler a great deal more having seen most of the first years results over coffee!

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