Annies Crazy World

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My Band Sampler 91 – Details 696 and 697 – Le Tour de France August 20th, 2008

buildings on an old samplerOne night in July 2005 I chanced to go into the room where my son and a friend were watching Le Tour De France, I stood watching it with them for a quite a while before sitting down and watching the rest of what turned out to be stage 3, I was addicted, I watched every night of the rest of that race and each year since I look forward to July when I can watch ‘my race’ again…I am not generally a sport watching person so my absolute fascination with the race is a bit hard to understand, what is somewhat easier to understand is that I love the old towns they ride through and the country, cathedrals and chateaus that the cameras fly over and when I showed Sharon the bike I was doing she told me that I also needed a chateau…I didn’t end up doing a chateau but in my search for a pattern I found a tiny photo of a street of houses on an old sampler, I photographed it to get a bigger image of the buildings from which I took the outline and then I experimented with different ways to fill the roof and wall areas and was happy with the finished effect.

Le Tour De France

3 Responses to “My Band Sampler 91 – Details 696 and 697 – Le Tour de France”

  1. JoWynn Says:

    “…happy with the result.” And well you should be! Delightful.

  2. Sharon Says:

    You have been given the I love your blog award

  3. Maureen Bond Says:

    Fabulous work Annie. Your Sampler examples are all wonderful too.

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