Annies Crazy World

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    This is Annie Whitsed's Crazy World a world where I stitch the joys and chaos of life into beautifull crazy quilts. email
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My Band Sampler 28 – Autumn – Details 572 to 574 March 1st, 2008

My Band Sampler 28 Autumn

Top Row…The first part of this seam is from one of Elizabeth’s tast experiments, I was having trouble with the tension and thought of another way to get a similar effect, I did 2 rows with groups in each row coming together at one point and then straight stitches over the central points…size 8 silk thread.

Middle Row…a simple flipped buttonhole stitch trimmed with straight stitches worked with 2 strands of green cotton floss and red size 5 cotton pearl thread…I like how delicate the straight stitches make this seam look.

Bottom Row…Marking the change of Season….Stem stitch done with a wool thread, it has been such a cool summer we are already thinking about pulling out the winter woollies

2 Responses to “My Band Sampler 28 – Autumn – Details 572 to 574”

  1. Vicki W Says:

    I don’t comment often but I wanted you to know that I really enjoy all the photos of your band sampler!

  2. Susan Says:

    Oh, Annie, I love that middle row! So simple, but so elegant looking. The “butterflies” are nice, too. I’m so happy I found your blog all those months ago – you constantly inspire me. Right now, all I need is time.

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