Annies Crazy World

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Constructing the White Heart – Detail 480 January 10th, 2008

Window Template over white heart

On the last seam I did a Double Feather Stitch with Colonial Knots.

Then before adding embellishments I cut a window template to help place them, which is just as well because I found that the flower trail was cramped on the edge, fortunatly I had enough in the seams to make the heart about 1/4 inch bigger which gives just enough extra space so that it isn’t cramped.

To Draw a basic heart shape Draw a square and then draw a half circle on 2 edges…to make it slightly more shapely, I then deepen the indent at the top just a little and slightly curve the point at the bottom, curving the bottom or just snipping of the very tip of the point will prevent the point poking through the fabric when you cover it.

Trace the heart onto template plastic or any stiff plastic.

How to Draw a HeartCutting template plastic

Gather around edge

I Draw the finished size of the heart onto the back of the crazy piece and Run a gathering thread around the edge, Use a big knot and start at the top of the heart…clip into the V at the top.

Layer a finished size piece of batting the the platic heart shape in the centre of the crazy piece and pull gathering to back of plastic…

Lash the back from side to side with the thread until the fabric heart is firm over the plastic.

batting and plasticLash the back of the heart

Stitch lace around the edge and add a ribbon (mine is long enough to hang over the arm and hang down.

Stitch lace around the edge

Cut the plastic template and batting for the back just a tiny bit smaller then the front and cover with fabric…I also cut a smaller piece of batting to put between the front and back to compensate for the thicknes of the gathered fabric around the edges.

make a back for the heart

Ladder Stitch the two halves together by alternating stitches through the fold at the edge of the back…

ladder stitch step one

With small stitches through the fold at the edge of the front.

ladder stitch step two

thumbnail for make my day awardMake My Day Award Update…I would like to thank the following blogs for also tagging me for the Make My Day Award, Thank you All

Rengin, Elizabeth, Susan, Marty, Julia.

6 Responses to “Constructing the White Heart – Detail 480”

  1. martha Says:

    This is so pretty. I think I am going to try one and make it into a needle book. hmmmm. Just in time for Valentines day…

  2. Gerry Says:

    Thank you for the tutorial.

  3. Susan Says:

    You’re welcome. =) Thanks for showing how you put the heart together. Before I learned needleturn applique, I used ladder stitch a lot, but I had sort of forgotten about it.

  4. Annies Crazy World Says:

    […] Last nights post was so long with so many images to manipulate that I lost track and forgot to do the final image of the finished Heart…I remembered that I had not done it this morning, when I was at the post office sending it on its way. […]

  5. Prelestnica Says:

    A great tutorial. I am very curious to see the end result. Do you suppose the gift recipient could take a good photo of the finished piece?

  6. Rengin Says:

    You’re most welcome, Aniie. Thanks so much for this great tutorial. It will help me for my Valentine swap project.

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