Annies Crazy World

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Part 9 – WE have borders… February 14th, 2006

I left adding the Purple border until after I had tied the layers together so that I could baste the lining under the borders and because the seam is at the edge of the blocks and going through the layers means that the blocks are well anchored so that there weight is transfered to the other layers reducing any drag on the borders.

So I stitched the side borders on and then the top and bottom borders and All That Jazz has lovely Purple borders…Unfortunatley for me stitching them on was not so simple, I made a few slight oversights: like I knew that the edge of the blocks would form a bit of a ridge but didn’t calaculate for the extra thickness of having the inner border or for the extra thickness of the crinkles in the green fabric: I chose the fabrics for colour without thinking about how they would be to work with, they were both slippery…I knew that with the narrow 1/2 inch border there wasn’t much room for error, there was no room for error, the slightest miss stitch showed.

I marked the stitching line onto the first border and pinned it with sideways pins and stitched the seam, looked at it and unpicked it the pins had pulled the fabric to the side and bits of the seam were to wide between the pins the fabric had slipped the other way and parts of the seam were to narrow…I repinned the seam using more pins and putting them on the other side of the seam, I stitched the seam, looked at it and unpicked portions of it that had slipped and some were I had not stitched exactly on the line, I restitched, checked again, unpicked bits and tried again….For the second border I basted it before stitching, better but I still had to unpick and restitch, pins as well as the basting helped…For the third seam I basted, I pinned and I found the walking foot, this eliminated most of the fabric slip but still had to unpick and re sew spots where I had missed the line…for the last border I basted and pinned and used the walking foot and got my son to hold the quilt and keep it moveing along, almost worked but I still had to restitch the bits were I went of the line because I just can’t see as well as I once could, not much I can do about that one.

The lesson to be learned from this is to make inner borders an inch or more wide, if I must have a narrow border again I will stitch a braid or something on top, and that where there’s a will there is a way even if you would never repeat that way again…I did start taking photos of this effort but didn’t continue when I realized that this way was not to be repeated…I will show you a different way to put the borders on when I make up the quilt from the competitors blocks, which will not have a narrow inner border, as lovely as the narrow border on this quilt looks.

All that Jazz has borders

Still to come the real back and bindings

7 Responses to “Part 9 – WE have borders…”

  1. allison aller Says:

    This is SO valuable, Annie. Often the problem with with crazy quilts is that while stitchers are wonderful with the embroidery, they may not have that much experience in quilt construction. When they put their quilts together, the sashing and borders can dectract so much from the lovely hand stitching.
    Anyone wanting to avoid that just needs to read your brillian tutorial here.
    (Wish I’d seen it before I assembled the blocks of my Floral CQ, too!)

  2. sharonb Says:

    It’s looking just fantastic Annie – you are tops

  3. Maureen Says:

    Annie, you have made a lovely job of this, the border colours are just perfect!

  4. sharonh Says:

    This looks truely wondeful Annie… It’s magic… WOW!!!!

  5. Jacqui Says:

    Wow! That is brilliant, justice to the blocks and the whole even more than the sum of the parts, well done and thank you so much for blogging all the details, realy fascinating stuff : )

  6. ribbonwiz Says:

    Annie, you are doing a great job of putting the quilt together
    What a lot of thought you have put into it and I only wish you had done this before I put my memory fan quilt toegther.
    I love your idea of a second back to cover the first that secures all the quilt to prevent sagging.
    I look forward to the auction!

  7. Vivienne Garforth Says:

    Thankyou so much, Annie, for taking the time to explain each step as you go. This will be a very valuable lesson to all of us contemplating putting a crazy quilt together. To be honest, I started from the beginning, totally enthralled by your blogging until I realized that my foot had gone to sleep! How’s that for the best compliment ever??? Love and big hugs, Annie!!!

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