Annies Crazy World

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A different surrounding edge for shishas – Detail 400 September 8th, 2007

A different edge for the shishaOn this shisha I was playing around with a different combination of stitches that would give more shape interest to the edge of the shisha.

For this shisha I have stitched 3 buttonhole stitches under the threads of the shisha…I have then done one buttonhole in the reverse direction so that it sits over the first 3…then one more buttonhole going in the original direction and putting the needle into the middle of the group of stitchs already there…pull the group of stitches away from the shisha so that it stretches out like a petal…seal the end by putting the needle through to the back…

How to do picket edge on a shisha

3 Responses to “A different surrounding edge for shishas – Detail 400”

  1. Elizabeth Says:

    Annie, thanks for doing the step through! I can see I’m going to have to get my needle and thread and try this out when I get home from work today. I love the edging. And the beaded ones from yesterday were just great, too.

  2. Susan Says:

    I’m still here! Just didn’t get to blogs in the last week. I love how you take something and make it more interesting. This is a great stitch, for the shisha, or just by itself. Thanks for showing how you did it.

  3. Marty52 Says:

    Oooo, this makes a very interesting edge to the shisha… lovely, Miss Annie!

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