Annies Crazy World

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    This is Annie Whitsed's Crazy World a world where I stitch the joys and chaos of life into beautifull crazy quilts. email
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Nice Matters Blog Award and other matters August 10th, 2007

Nice Matters Bloggers AwardThe Nice matters award was created by Bella Enchanted

“This award will be awarded to those that are just nice people , good blog friends and those that inspire good feelings and inspiration! Those that care about others that are there to lend support or those that are just a positive influence in our blogging world!”

I would like to thank Ati and Linda for nominating me for this lovely award.

Part of the award is to nominate 7 others for the award, some blogs have mentioned that it should be 7 that haven’t been nominated before but I didn’t read that in Bella Enchanted’s original post so I am going with the first 7 that come to mind…

Sharon, Elizabeth, Susan, Marty, Maureen B, Allie and Hideko

Purchases from craft showOther matters…I was helping at Canberra Quilters Exhibition again today but had more time today to visit the merchants mall, I met up with Sharon and we had a good shop…

My Wallet wishes that I hadn’t had time to shop but my eyes are glad that I did make the expensive purchase of a portable daylight lamp so that I can have good light in more places.

I also bought some printable fabric sheets, which will make the photo appliues easier to stitch, some tiny flower beads and the green obeject is a cover for the tip of scissors…I will make a string of beads to join it to the clip which clips to the handle of the scissors.

scissor tip cap

3 Responses to “Nice Matters Blog Award and other matters”

  1. Susan Says:

    Thank you so much, Annie! I’m so pleased you think I deserve this award. There is nothing as good as a nod of friendship. I can think of anything that would make me happier.

    You had a great shopping day! I was just thinking the other day that a scissors point protector would be a good thing. I have small scissors with leather ones, but nothing for larger scissors. I’ll have to look for those at our big show in October in San Francisco. I love printing on cotton fabric sheets. They are so easy to work with, and take the ink so nicely. I just bought some from a manufacturer I haven’t tried before, so I imagine I will make some in the next couple of weeks to try them out. Let us know how this kind works for you.

  2. Michelle Says:

    hello, just looking through your blog on the quilt – you are truly inspiring my sweet sister in law. But because I love looking at myself I was wondering where my photo was situated (what month you were working so hard on me!!!)so I could show Steve (and he could look at me more!!!)

    Love Michelle

  3. Marty52 Says:

    Thank you so much, Annie! It feels good to be appreciated!

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