Annies Crazy World

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    This is Annie Whitsed's Crazy World a world where I stitch the joys and chaos of life into beautifull crazy quilts. email
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TAST week 32 Crested Chain Stitch – Details 370 and 371 August 7th, 2007

Visual journal 7th August 2007With the finishing of mum’s quilt I also came to the end of a Visual Journal so today I have started a new one with a list of the things I most want to do next.

Once written I thought catching up on the TAST Stitches would be a good place to start so I found some unfinsihed blocks and have done this weeks stitch, the Crested Chain Stitch.

On the first seam I did alternating long and short arms on the stitch.

Crested Chain Stitch

On the next seam I flip flopped the arm of the stitch from side to side.

Crested Chain Stitch

2 Responses to “TAST week 32 Crested Chain Stitch – Details 370 and 371”

  1. Susan Says:

    Annie, what a great idea! I think I’ll just take the next page in my journal and do the same. I think not planning my time ahead is probably one of the reasons I wind up stressed over deadlines. =) I love both your seams. Here it is Tuesday and I forgot to go check. Thanks for the reminder, and the possibilities.

    I wanted you to know that if someone else hadn’t already given you the Nice Matters award, you would have been on my list of recipients! Your blog is always a source of inspiration, and you are very kind.

  2. Off grid with the crested chain stitch « Quieter Moments Says:

    […] Alternating the side of the knot in the purple Perle 8 cotton. I was so delighted when I got home Tuesday night (USA) to find Annie at Annies Crazy World had been up to this, too. Her post is here. And she also experimented with alternating the height of the knot placement. They both make up very engaging seam treatments. So do take a look if you haven’t already seen them. […]

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