Annies Crazy World

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    This is Annie Whitsed's Crazy World a world where I stitch the joys and chaos of life into beautifull crazy quilts. email
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A Cot Sheet – Inside Exhibition November 24th, 2011

But not just any cot sheet… As a follow up to the Australian Government’s 2009 National Apology to Forgotten Australians and Former Child Migrants,  The National Museum Australia has mounted an Exhibition “Inside: Life in Children’s Homes and Institutions”

The Exhibtion designers took the many stories that had been collected and set about working out how they could be displayed for the exhibition…They envisioned one story written on a cot sheet, they found an old metal hospital cot, chose cursive script and I was recommended to them for the job of embroidering the story onto the sheet.

First task was to find a white cotton sheet that could be embroidered, most sheets are so tightly woven that I would not have been able to push the needle through them, my fingers where saved by a friend who had a much worn, soft cotton sheet that was lovely to work on.

I embroidered the cursive script with stem stitch using 3 strands of DMC in an old blue ink colour. When the embroidered sheet was put into the cot it made for a very poignant display.

ABC TV 7.30 ACT vidio review


Below is the text embroidered on the sheet

Text on sheet

2 Responses to “A Cot Sheet – Inside Exhibition”

  1. Maureen Bond Says:

    Hi Annie, I just popped in to collect your Crazy patch instruction link to pass on and checked the blog as well.
    What a fantastic thing to have embroidered script onto cotton. such a big endeavour and a wonderful story of hard times.

    I was fortunate to have fabulous nuns teaching and treating the pupils well in the early 50’s.
    I hope you are well.

  2. Jenny Says:

    Oh my gosh, so sad!!!!

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