Annies Crazy World

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    This is Annie Whitsed's Crazy World a world where I stitch the joys and chaos of life into beautifull crazy quilts. email
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Detail112 January 17th, 2007

buttonhole stitch

Blanket Stitch…Such a versatile stitch here I have done it with different lengthed stitches and alternating the side of the seam that it is stitched on.

Detail 109 from Mum’s Quilt which is a UFO January 12th, 2007

detail 109

One colour of herringbone worked over a second colour of herringbone…interlace rows by weaving every second stitch of the second row under the thread from the first row.

The last 3 details are from this block which is for a memory quilt that I am making for my mum…Each Block is 6″ with a family photo (this one is my daughter) in the centre surrounded by 4 pieces of fancy fabric with the seams embroidered, a crazy twist to a traditional quilting block.

Block 1 for mum

This quilt that I am making for my mum became a UFO because I lost the old family photos…the last time that I went to work on it I went to get the red Manilla folder that had the photos and notes in it but where was it?…I kept looking on and off for over a year before I decided that they must have been lost in the move from Brisbane to Canberra when all my belongings had been in storage for 5 months, it was another year before I worked up the courage to tell mum that I had lost the photos, turned out that I was more upset about it than she was…I could have got different photos and continued but I was disillusioned with myself and could not get into the mood of it….years passed until one day when my son was cleaning out the shed I looked down into a box that he had moved and there it was the red folder with the photos…I did do a Happy Dance, prancing around waving the folder in the air, my son wandering how a folder could make me so happy.

But Alas Mum’s quilt remained a UFO because in the interceding years technology had progressed…I started this quilt in the early 1990s when a product called ‘Picture This’ a transfer medium for fabric, came on the market, making it possible for me to put my own photos onto fabric at an affordable prise. Using it was a messy process of smearing the white gunk onto a colour photocopy, pressing it onto the fabric and letting it dry before washing the paper off, it worked with varying degrees of success and the images are stiff and rubbery but I could stitch through it and it was exciting to be able to put my own photos into my crazy quilts…Again I was stalled as I could no longer buy ‘picture this’, the supplies that I had were dried in the bottle and the current image transfer products leave the fabric soft which is great but I wanted the rubbery look so that it would blend with those that I had already done….again the blocks go back into UFO box.

More years pass, I am cleaning up and I find them, in this year of finishing things….and hey I CAN finish them because I have a T-Shirt transfer Paper that has a rubbery surface that will blend with the ones I have already done.

Detail 108 January 11th, 2007

Colonial knots and French Knots

These sweet little flowers are created with a Colonial knot done with a thick thread and surrounded by 3 Green Colonial or French knots worked with a fine thread so that they are smaller than the flower knot.

Detail 107 January 10th, 2007

Feather Stitch Variation

This Detail is a variation of Feather Stitch, trimmed with beads and straight stitches.