Annies Crazy World

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    This is Annie Whitsed's Crazy World a world where I stitch the joys and chaos of life into beautifull crazy quilts. email
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Another Deviation from the Original Idea November 26th, 2007

When I put the gathered organza ribbon on the top and left edges I was still going to put lace flowers in the bottom right corner…but…

Photo with gathered organza ribbon on every sideThe original idea in Visual Journal

When I put some lace flowers along the bottom and right edges and stood back from it the flowers didn’t balance the ribbon…More gathered organza ribbon on the other edges…Still not sure it is working, while thinking about it I used a slightly darker green thread to do stem Stitch along the edge of the photo…Umm I am starting to like it, I find it quite amazeing that a thin line, that can barely be seen, can make a big visual difference to how a piece looks…

Know that I like what is happening around the photo I think that it will only need a few lace flowers and beads scattered around the edges to finish it.

4 Responses to “Another Deviation from the Original Idea”

  1. Karen B Says:

    Hello Annie,
    I think the cover will be quite lovely when you are done. I appreciate how you share your thought process as you work on your pieces. Thank you.

  2. Helen Says:

    Being half French, I must admit that… oh la la, it looks great :o)

    By the way, your blog is a bible for me especially for the sisha techniques – thank you ever so much !

    Have a nice day :o)

  3. Susan Says:

    I like the way the colors of the organza ribbon sort of echo the colors of the silk ribbon bow on the right – everything lighter to the top and left, everything darker to the right and bottom. Cool!

  4. Elizabeth Says:

    I love what’s going on in the picture area, Annie. It seems to mirror or echo what is going on with the ribbon. And when I read what you said about the thin line something clicked in my mind. Not only because I remembered being so impressed with this as I saw some of your work on your mom’s memory quilt but also because that was a common element in the printing I was involved with at work. There they called it a thin key line. Unfortunately while it was very effective in the art work, it often played havoc on the 4-color flexo presses using natural rubber plates. Thankfully we work with stitches. I’m going to have to tuck this away for future use.

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