Annies Crazy World

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    This is Annie Whitsed's Crazy World a world where I stitch the joys and chaos of life into beautifull crazy quilts. email
February 2005
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What’s on the Table? February 1st, 2005

Last week when Sharon suggested to me that I could Blog the big clean up of my studio it sounded like a good idea to get me motivated to start Blogging again as well as helping keep me on track…but I was flummoxed as to how to explain ‘cleaning/Organizing’ my studio and then last night when I was clearing the top of My studio Table it occured to me that most of what I do is done on that table so what is on my table gives a picture of what I am doing and all I need to do is describe what I am making or what is there being sorted and how I am going to organize/store it…

So let me introduce you to my Studio Table

Studio Table

When I bought this table I was not overly fond of it, it being laminex when I would have chosen a lovely wooden table with rustic charm but I didn’t have a choice, it came with a house we purchased in Brisbane in 1987…An Old high set Queenslander house with a huge room built in under it…a huge room that was to be MY Studio…and I was going to need a Table, having just purchased the house the budget wasn’t going to stretch to buying even an old wooden table, the lady was down sizing and offered me this one for $20, It was cheap it was there and I bought it…and soon fell in LOVE with her…she may not be beautiful but she has been a real work horse…measuring 3 ft by 6 foot she is a good sized work area, big enough to baste a quilt (I put a brick under each leg to save my back when doing standing jobs) big enough to have a couple of projects going on together, big enough to store stuff and still have a space to work, big enough to have sewing bees, to have committee meetings, to teach a class…. her hard surface is resistant to scratches from pins and blades, dyes do stain it but fade away with time, I have used it as a paint palette and glued on it and at varies times it has been scribble paper to explain an idea and memo pad that I have written must remeber notes on…and it all washes off, well nearly all, the paint and glue need to be scratched off….and her sterdy construction have meant that I can push it around as need without damageing it, my neice also liked this feature too as it was sturdy enough for her to use as a play gym…My Table has witnessed/shared a lot of my life over the last 17 years and I do Love her so…

…And what is on My Table today…..well there was a beautiful bag of threads, beads and charms

pressie from fran

I am keeping my Visual Journal again and I had this bag of goodies, a present from a friend, tipped out so that I could photograph it and snip a piece of each thread to glue in my journal to record what was in the bag before integrating it into the stash…well complete integration has not happened yet the charms beads and some of the threads went into boxes of like that are waiting for the big sort but the metallic threads could go straight into the box of metallic threads….well they could have if they had fitted but alas the box overflowed…

Metalic threads

…Not a problem I put some charms into a newly aquired box, the silk ribbon into the charms box and the Metallic threads into the silk ribbon box and now have 2 tidy boxes.

Metalic and silk threads

When designing a storage system you need to remember that your stash will grow and be flexable…part of my storage system is shallow cardboard boxes, some of them covered and some as they came, Labeled with there contents (did you notice that this time I spelt metallic correctly?), that stack in a pile from which I can pull out the one I want and then put it back on top.

One of my Studio shelves